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Scott Mills reveals how he was almost SACKED from BBC Radio by fuming bosses as he takes over Zoe Ball’s Breakfast Show


SCOTT Miles is settling into life as the new Radio 2 Breakfast Show host, after he replaced Zoe Ball who stepped away from the role.

However, it’s not always been plain sailing for the presenter, who has now revealed how he was almost sacked from the BBC.

Scott Mills is the new host of the Radio 2 Breakfast Show
However, the popular presenter has revealed how he was almost sacked from the BBC[/caption]
Scott has replaced Zoe Ball on her morning show[/caption]

Scott, 51, has worked for the Beeb since 1998, and was previously known for Radio 1.

The popular presenter has now opened up about how during his time at the BBC he once almost got fired.

Speaking to Dermot O’Leary, he revealed how a boozy night out at the Brits almost got him sacked from his job.

It came after Dermot played a clip of Scott slurring his words on his early morning Radio 1 show in 2001.

After hearing the clip, the new Radio 2 Breakfast Show star said: “That’s called how to really nearly lose your job at BBC.

“I had got carried away so much at the Brit Awards, because I had never been there before, and time just fast-forwarded, and somebody went, what time are you on air?

And I said, ‘Four?’ and they went, ‘Well, it’s two now’. Oh no!

“It was horrendous.”

Going on, Scott said: “I was young, I was naive and stupid, and they were furious, and quite rightly so.

“And also, there was a thing, at Radio 1 then, called the den.

“This probably wasn’t allowed, but why go home when you can have a couple hours of sleep in the den?

“I mean, I was young, I’m in my 20s, right?”

At the end of last year it was revealed how Scott was replacing Zoe Ball on her BBC Radio 2 Breakfast show.

The star – who previously presented the afternoon show between 2-4pm – is now on air from 6am.

Scott opened up to Dermot O’Leary about almost being sacked[/caption]
Scott talked about an incident after a boozy night at the Brits[/caption]

Radio legend Trevor Nelson, 60, has now replaced Scott in the afternoons.

Speaking landing the gig, Trevor said: “Now I have a public service announcement. I will be doing the afternoon show at the end of January.

“‘It’s about time you got your vitamin D, cause I’m doing too many nighttime shows.”

He went on: “I’m really happy, it’s going to be a great time, please join me, if you don’t listen please start listening.”

Trevor Nelson has taken over from Scott on the afternoon slot

Meanwhile, Zoe’s last Breakfast Show was on December 20.

She stepped back from her role that she took over from Chris Evans in 2019.

Now it’s Scott’s turn to make his mark on the popular breakfast show.

He celebrated his last day on the afternoon slot by telling fans: “After two years that’s it for the afternoon show – ‘the least distracting show on the radio’, but an award winning one!

“Thank you to the team and most importantly to you for listening,

“I’m not going far.. just the other end of the day!

“I’ll see you in the new year when we will wake up together!”

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