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A sober bar manager says every bar will have to serve non-alcoholic options to remain competitive. Here's how he keeps things fun.

Eliott Edge pours a booze-free drink behind the bar at Hekate.
  • Hekate Café & Elixir Lounge offers a sober experience in New York City.
  • BI visited Hekate following the US Surgeon General's report linking alcohol to cancer.
  • Though alcohol use soared amid the pandemic, there is a blossoming sober-curious movement.

Tucked away in Manhattan's East Village, a sober bar offers an alternative to the rest of the boozy scenes in New York City.

On a Saturday night, Eliott Edge, the bar manager at Hekate Café and Elixir Lounge, welcomed patrons, telling newcomers that: "Everything — with a capital E — is alcohol-free."

Business Insider revisited Hekate after US Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy said alcohol is a leading cause of cancer and should have warning labels like those on cigarette boxes.

Edge, a career bartender, said he was drunk for five years straight before seeking rehab. Now, after being sober for two years and rebranding himself as a mocktail bartender, he wasn't surprised by the surgeon general's announcement.

"The news is not news, yet at the same time, whenever an authority figure shows up and makes a declaration, it enables people to reconsider their behavior," Edge told BI. "People are now going to think about their choices differently."

The drink menu at Hekate, where everything is alcohol-free.

Alcohol consumption surged during the COVID-19 pandemic and deaths from excessive alcohol use jumped nearly 30% from 2016 to 2020, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Heightened levels of excessive drinking continued into 2022, well after the pandemic first hit, according to the Annals of Internal Medicine.

Even so, Gen Z drinks less than previous generations, fueling a growing interest in sober socializing.

"It does seem that there is a slowing down of alcohol consumption enough for those of us in the industry who make it our job to notice," Edge said. "If there is a silver lining to the pandemic, it is that this whole new world of non-alcoholic options really exploded onto the scene."

Edge predicted that every bar will have to have non-alcoholic options to remain competitive "because they're going to realize that it's like vegetarians or vegans or gluten-free or dairy-free. It's just another type of customer profile to cater to — and the ones that don't cater to that are going to go the way of the dinosaur."

Though Hekate is a totally sober experience, Edge said the bar is a "shining example" of how to do it right.

The bar, which shares a name with the Greek goddess of witchcraft, is full of mystical decor.

Drinks at Hekate are about $13 for those paying cash — slightly less than your average cocktail at an NYC bar.

But Edge says people come to bars for fun, and with his bar's music, lighting, and mood, Hekate delivers. The cozy bar, which shares its name with the Greek goddess of sorcery and witchcraft, is decorated accordingly.

"You don't need alcohol," Edge said. "Very little is required to have a good time. Really what we need is permission to have a good time, which is what booze does for us. But how often does that good time end in a shit show?"

Not only is he happier as a sober mocktail bartender, Edge said his customers seem happier too, even if they're only stopping by for a mocktail or two before going out for boozey drinks later on.

"My regulars look fantastic, you know? They don't look like they're slowly sliding down the hill," he said. "I'm not watching fights break out amongst best friends. I'm not watching dates dissolve into, you know, puddles of misery."

Perhaps the best part?

"My bathrooms are much cleaner."

Read the original article on Business Insider

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