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Afghanistan Rights Defenders call for global support amid migrant crisis in Pakistan


The Afghanistan Human Rights Defenders Committee (AHRDC) has highlighted the harassment, extortion, forced deportation, and administrative challenges faced by Afghan migrants in Pakistan. The committee has called on the international community and human rights organizations to support these migrants.

On Monday, January 6, the committee issued a statement warning that the forced deportation of Afghan migrants poses greater risks for human rights defenders and other vulnerable groups.

The committee urged the global community and rights organizations to protect Afghan migrants in Pakistan, who face “harassment, forced deportation, and associated dangers.”

The committee accused Pakistan of imposing severe psychological and financial pressure on Afghan migrants.

The statement also called on the international community to address systemic corruption in Pakistan, which has exacerbated the challenges faced by Afghan migrants.

Reports indicate that the arrest of Afghan migrants in Pakistan, particularly in Islamabad, has significantly increased in recent days, with dozens, including women and children, being detained daily by Pakistani police.

Since the start of the new year, Pakistani authorities have intensified house-to-house searches in Islamabad, leading to an escalation in the detention and deportation of Afghan migrants.

The widespread arrests of Afghan migrants have drawn criticism from human rights organizations, political figures, and the public. Mohsin Dawar, the head of Pakistan’s Democratic Movement, recently criticized the detention of documented migrants, calling it a “blatant violation of human rights.”

Amid warnings from Pakistani and Iranian officials about the forced deportation of millions of Afghan migrants by the end of the solar year (End of March 2025), the international community must act swiftly. Advocacy and intervention are essential to safeguard the rights of Afghan migrants and to ensure they are treated with dignity and humanity.

The global community must also focus on resolving the underlying causes of migration, including Afghanistan’s ongoing political and economic instability. Only by addressing these challenges can sustainable solutions be found to protect Afghan migrants and reduce their vulnerability in host countries.

The post Afghanistan Rights Defenders call for global support amid migrant crisis in Pakistan appeared first on Khaama Press.

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