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I’m a relationship expert – five signs your partner is cheating on you


CATCHING your partner cheating is most people’s worst nightmare.

In a committed relationship, finding out one party has been seeing someone else in secret is usually spells the end.

The sex expert says there’s some signs when it comes to cheating

Experts say if you suspect your other half might be playing away, there are some telltale signs to watch out for.

And many of these are in the bedroom.

Amy Williams, CEO of Peachy, a leading adult toy store, says: “Changes in how a couple has sex can be early indicators that a partner is thinking about being unfaithful.”

The sexpert has shared her five top signs that could spell trouble.

Less sex

The classic sign of a partner having an affair is when they no longer want to be intimate in the bedroom.

This may be because they’re feeling guilty about seeking pleasure elsewhere, or they’ve lost interest in the relationship. 

Amy said: “If they constantly avoid sex with excuses about being tired or stressed, it could be a red flag.”

Or… more sex

Someone might be excited by the illicit thrill of cheating, meaning they’re more into sex in general. Or, if their behaviour seems forced, it might all be a cover-up. 

Amy explained: “People know that having less sex can lead their partners to suspect they’re having an affair, so they might force more intimacy than usual to try and cover their tracks.”

Focus on physical

If it feels like a partner is just going through the motions, that could be a warning sign.

If someone is having sex purely for physical gratification and is no longer interested in building an emotional connection, it’s a sign that they’re no longer interested in the relationship. 

They might move on to seeking emotional connections elsewhere because they don’t feel fulfilled in their current relationship.

Why more and less sex are both bad signs

New moves

If a partner has a new move they want to try out, they probably won’t execute it flawlessly the first time. But if they’ve been practising with another partner, that’s not the case. 

Amy says: “Their other partner might have taught them something new, or they might have simply felt freer to practice something with them.

“Either way, if they’re flawlessly executing something you’ve never seen before, ask yourself when they had the opportunity to practice that.”

Something smells off

People smell different when they’ve been intimate with others – and not just because a perfume or aftershave has rubbed off on them.

Humans each have a distinctive scent, and you might be able to pick it up on your partner’s skin. 

Amy added: “And of course, a hickey you didn’t give them is just a no-brainer.”

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