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Paris Basketball Fan Group Vows to Boycott Upcoming Game With Israel Due to Hamas War


The Eiffel Tower in Paris is lit up in the colors of the Israeli flag. Photo: Reuters/Benoit Tessier

A historic fan group of the French professional basketball club Paris Basketball announced last week their decision to boycott the team’s upcoming Euroleague game against Israel’s Maccabi Tel Aviv because of the ongoing Israel-Hamas war in the Middle East.

Maccabi Tel Aviv and Paris Basketball are set to compete in the 22nd round of the EuroLeague at the Adidas Arena Porte de la Chapelle in Paris on Jan. 16. The fan group KOP Parisii, which has nearly 200 members, said it is still unaware of the security measures that will be taken for the game nor the number of Maccabi supporters who will travel to Paris to attend the showdown. Nevertheless, the group and its board have “decided not to make this match a usual match and especially not to act as if nothing has happened,” they said in an English and French language press release last week.

“We will not animate the KOP stand for this match. There will be no drums, no chants, no tarpaulins,” KOP Parisii added. “We do not wish to politicize the KOP or create divisions in our ranks. But there are some things that go further than a simple basketball game … Our values and the values of humanity in general. Today, KOP Parisii has nearly 200 members, and unlike previous years, our voice counts. We thank you for your understanding.”

Paris Basketball is currently tied for third place in the EuroLeague while Tel Aviv is currently in 16th place.

This was not the first time that French athletes and sports fans used the realm of athletics to protest against Israel.

In mid-December, supporters of Nanterre 92 — a professional basketball club from the French city of Nanterre — interrupted a Basketball Champions League game in France against Israel’s Hapoel Holon by running onto the court while carrying Palestinian flags.

In November, fans of the Paris Saint-Germain soccer team unveiled a massive “Free Palestine” banner before kick-off of the team’s UEFA Champions League game against Atletico Madrid. It took place eight days before France competed against Israel in Paris in a UEFA Nations League game, which pro-Palestinian activists pressured officials to cancel because of Israel’s participation.

The post Paris Basketball Fan Group Vows to Boycott Upcoming Game With Israel Due to Hamas War first appeared on Algemeiner.com.

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