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‘Lawyer up buddy’: MAGA attorney threatens Trump judge – and tells him to ‘go to Hell’


MAGA lawyer Mike Davis took his menacing threats against officials involved in the many investigations and prosecutions of President-elect Donald Trump a step further Monday when he warned Judge Juan Merchan that he too could face legal consequences.

Davis said during an interview on the right-wing Benny Johnson Show that the New York judge should prepare for a probe of possible conspiracy against rights violations for his decisions while presiding over Trump’s fraud trial that resulted in 34 felony convictions.

“I would say this to Juan Merchan: you better also lawyer up because you are also – what you’re doing is also a very serious federal civil rights felony again 18 USC §241,” Davis said Monday. He later added: “Juan Merchan can also go to hell – lawyer up buddy.”

The comments came after Davis told the host that that those who were prosecuted for their actions on January 6 should “absolutely bring civil lawsuits” against “Biden prosecutors” who pursued charges against them. He added that Trump’s Justice Department should make no effort to defend them.

“They should not indemnify them, they should not pay any federal funds for what these prosecutors have done,” Davis said. "They should let these prosecutors get sued in their individual capacities and have to hire their own private lawyers to defend themselves.”

ALSO READ: A neuroscientist explains why MAGA supporters refuse to accept Trump's 91 felony charges

Johnson noted that – just from the civil perspective – “this could mean the destruction of the people who did this.”

“This could mean financial, political and personal destructive of the people who did this – I mean these aren’t just idle threats,” Johnson stated.

“God willing,” Davis responded. “They should face severe, and I mean the most severe legal, political and financial consequences for what they’ve done.”

He added it will start Jan. 20 at noon.

As for Merchan, Davis said the judge “really stepped into it legally” by putting in place “an illegal, unconstitutional gag order” on Trump that barred him from attacking witnesses in the hush-money trial, or revealing information about jurors, court staff or their families.

“There are so many reversible errors in this bogus New York case,” Davis said before including another attack on the judge’s daughter.

“Donald Trump is supposed to be distracted from being the president-elect…so he can go to this third-world, Marxist, hell-hole courtroom – even via Skype or video – to let Juan Merchan scold him?” Davis asked rhetorically.

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