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REPORT: Keir Starmer May Cut Britain’s Security Ties With U.S. Unless Trump Distances Himself From Elon Musk


The cracks are beginning to show in Britain and America’s so-called “special relationship.”

According to the BBC, British Prime Minister Keir Starmer may end his country’s security partnership with the United States if Donald Trump does not distance himself from Elon Musk’s recent comments on grooming gangs.

Nick Watt, a reporter for the nightly current affairs show BBC Newsnight, claims that Downing Street are going to give a “hard-headed assessment” of whether these views are held solely by Musk or by the administration as a whole.

He explained:

There is absolute horror at the highest levels of the government at the incendiary language we have seen from Elon Musk.

And there’s going to be, as I understand it, a hard-headed assessment. Is this just the view of Elon Musk, or is it the view of the wider administration and the incoming President Donald Trump?

If it’s the latter, then there may well be some very, very serious questions about the nature of our ongoing security partnership with the United States.

John Healey, the Defense Secretary today, was saying that the UK-US security relationship is the closest we’ve got in the world. We’re members of the Five Eyes Group with the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the UK.

Can you have that level of sharing everything if this sort of stuff is endorsed by the next President of the United States?

The question, the answer to that question, does Trump agree with this? Don’t know that one yet.

The report comes as Musk, who is widely seen as one of the most powerful voices in and around the incoming Trump administration, continues to wage war against the British government and specifically Keir Starmer over their persecution of anti-Islam activist Tommy Robinson and their refusal to hold an inquiry over the grooming scandal carried out by mainly Pakistani men against white British girls.

As well as hammering the government from his X account over their complicity in these horrific crimes, Musk has even posted a poll in which he asked his 211 million followers whether the United States should “liberate Britain from their tyrannical government.”

Approximately 1.8 million people have voted in his poll so far. Aound 58 percent of people said yes, while 42 percent said no.

Starmer responded to Musk’s attacks at an event on Monday but did not mention the tech mogul by name.

“Those that are spreading lies and misinformation as far and wide as possible, they’re not interested in victims,” he declared. They’re interested in themselves.”

“I enjoy the thrust of politics, the robust debate that we must have. But that’s got to be based on facts and truth, not on lies. Not on those who are so desperate for attention that they’re prepared to debase themselves and their country.”

Donald Trump, meanwhile, has so far declined to weigh in on the issue.

The post REPORT: Keir Starmer May Cut Britain’s Security Ties With U.S. Unless Trump Distances Himself From Elon Musk appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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