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This Retro Italian Coffee Brewing Method Is Making a Bold Comeback & TikTok Can't Get Enough


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In a world of instant gratification, the art of brewing coffee has fallen by the wayside. And while we’ll always love our single K-cups brews (they’re so convenient!), an old-fashioned way to make liquid gold — er, coffee — is trending again. TikTokers are wild about a retro Italian coffee brewing method using a Moka pot, and it’s surprisingly easy to make coffee this way.

TikToker James Hoffmann (@jameshoffmanncoffee) shared a video with tips on how to brew using this method. Start with any type of Moka pot (which you can get on Amazon HERE) and pour boiling water into the base of the pot. “Starting with freshly boiling water in the base means you have a faster brew,” Hoffman explains in the video which has 1.7 million views, “more suitable brew temperatures, and you’ll get a better extracted, more delicious cup of coffee.”

Next, fill the Moka pot’s basket with your favorite freshly ground coffee. Hoffmann also recommends evening out the grounds of top of the basket before securing it. He says addin an Aeropress paper filter underneath the top part of the basket section “which gives you a cleaner cup, and also, it seems, a slightly better extraction overall.”

Screw it all together and put it on the heat. There’s a technique to making sure the coffee doesn’t brew too quickly, which Hoffman details in his clip. He also recommends adding water or steamed or heated milk to dilute the final brewed java before drinking if it’s too strong.


Here’s my go-to technique for the classic Moka pot coffee. #espresso #mokapot #coffeetechnique #coffee

♬ original sound – James Hoffmann

Just take to the comments to see how excited people are about this method. “Moka pot is by far the best coffee you can make compared to the cost and effort involved,” one person wrote. Someone else said, “I just got a moka pot for xmas and seeing this is a massive help. Cheers mate for this.”

“Immediately adopted this exact method (minus the DIY grind) after using a Moka pot for literal decades and it has been a game changer!” someone else praised.

The Moka pot is an Italian-made appliance with an octagonal shape that slowly percolates the coffee and creates a flavor that’s “somewhere between espresso and drip” coffee, according to Imbibe Magazine. This method was invented in 1933 in Italy, and the original Moka Express by Bialetti is still the best. Grab one for yourself and try it! You may never go back to your Keurig again.

Bialetti – Moka Express

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The aluminum Bialetti Moka pot can bring this delicious Italian method of coffee brewing to your home. This one has 4.6 stars with over 87 thousand ratings on Amazon!

Bialetti – Moka Express Bridgerton

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Bialetti partnered with the Regency-era Netflix series Bridgerton for the most beautiful Moka pot we’ve ever seen! This one is a stunning cerulean blue with gold-painted details and the prettiest blue and lavender flowers.

Before you go, check out our slideshow below: 

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