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Evil grooming gang boss is still in UK despite losing appeals – is there a greater example of political incompetence?


Rape despair

IF you weren’t already in despair over the ordeal of the grooming-gang victims and the cover-up, consider Britain’s sickening generosity towards their rapists.

The Pakistani ringleader of the Rochdale gang has used every trick to dodge deportation after serving his jail term.

Qari Abdul Rauf has used every trick to dodge deportation after serving his jail term[/caption]

Incredibly, like his perverted accomplices, he has succeeded.

His expulsion was signed off ten years ago. He then lost a legal battle and two appeals.

Yet here he still is, delivering takeaways in Rochdale with every chance of running into his victims.

Not only has Qari Abdul Rauf renounced his Pakistani citizenship, thus becoming “stateless” and seemingly impossible to deport since his homeland doesn’t want him either.

He also deployed — you guessed it — the European Convention on Human Rights to claim his right to a family life.

This rapist whose gang of misogynist monsters preyed on young girls was able to stall his removal for years because feeble Governments have shackled us to a foreign court.

Is there a greater example of our politicians’ incompetence?

Or the impotence of a country not only still having to heed Strasbourg’s orders but repeatedly outsmarted by human rights lawyers?

Fix the BBC

A NEW law forcing officials at public bodies to report all suspected child abuse is welcome. But it must include the BBC.

The criminal sanctions Home Secretary Yvette Cooper is planning would certainly snare staff at councils or police forces who failed to act.

But the publicly-funded broadcaster is infamous for ignoring or covering up paedophile scandals as executives ­cravenly protect the “talent”.

Any law that enables that appalling culture to persist, putting more kids at risk, is fundamentally flawed.

Debt nightmare

REMEMBER how Britain was supposedly a safe haven for investors under Labour?

How the new Government sneered about Liz Truss “crashing the economy” and vowed to re-establish stability?

Except Rishi Sunak had already done that — and achieved growth topping the G7 league table. Now we’re bottom, with inflation rising.

And the cost of Government borrowing hit a 27-year high ­yesterday.

Higher than under Truss.

Investors watched Labour’s business-battering Budget hike taxes and kill jobs, while the unproductive public sector was rapidly inflated, and most fled.

Higher debt payments will throw the Chancellor’s plans into chaos.

She can cut spending — or raise taxes again and see what crashing the economy really looks like.

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