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Oldest Abortion Biz in Minnesota Closes, Building Will be Demolished


After an estimated five decades of committing abortions and an estimated toll of more than 60,000 babies killed, the Robbinsdale Clinic (located in a Minneapolis suburb) has closed its doors!  An internet company has a purchase agreement with the owner/abortionist June Fahrmann and has plans to demolish the building for a new data center, contingent upon final approval from the City of Robbinsdale which will most likely be in early February.  All indications are that the killing has ceased there.

“We are very grateful to God that this blight in the city of Robbinsdale and, indeed, the whole of Minnesota is now closed,” said Brian Gibson, CEO of Pro-Life Action Ministries.  “So many lives have been lost at this location.  So many women harmed.  And yet, so many babies’ lives have been saved and so many families helped by our persistent presence, offering alternatives to abortion, throughout the decades.”

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Based on a 1989 deposition from the late Romil Valgamae, the first abortionist at this location, the facility began as a family practice clinic in the early 1960s and most likely began killing preborn children in 1973 after the Roe v. Wade decision was handed down.  The clinic continued to do some family practice until the end of 2024, yet it was far better known in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area as an abortion facility.

Pro-Life Action Ministries began regular life-saving activities, including sidewalk counseling, at this location in the mid-1980s.  Hundreds of lives have been saved in the last 40 years.  In 1987, thirteen aborted babies and patient records were found by a pro-life supporter in the unlocked dumpster behind the building.  Pro-Life Action Ministries held a press conference and a funeral for these babies and then gave them a dignified burial in Resurrection Cemetery in Mendota Heights, Minn.

The Robbinsdale abortion facility pushed back, suing Pro-Life Action Ministries several times until in the last lawsuit, obtaining a court order which somewhat restricted our sidewalk counseling there.  But we continued our efforts, buying the property next door and creating the Chapel of Innocents there, and holding large prayer rallies outside the abortion mill and rescue missions (sit-ins) inside, plus a 40 Days for Life.   In 1992 the pro-life community opened a pregnancy resource center across the street which saved many lives.  Also, a prayer group led by Fr. Thomas Dufner has been praying outside the abortion facility on Saturdays for about 30 years.

“Please pray for June Fahrmann, the abortionist/owner of this facility,” said Gibson.  “She has been involved in the killing of babies at this location since the mid-70s.  She is selling, but has not had a change of heart.  She desperately needs to know the love of God through repentance and turning to Christ.”

The post Oldest Abortion Biz in Minnesota Closes, Building Will be Demolished appeared first on LifeNews.com.

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