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Masked Singer fans ‘work out’ Bear is Hollywood A-list star after he dropped a huge hint on TV just weeks ago


THE Masked Singer viewers are adamant cuddly character Bear is a huge Hollywood star.

The brown fluffy animal, decked out in red regal attire, arrived on the ITV stage on Saturday.

The Masked Singer viewers are adamant they have sussed the identity of cuddly character Bear[/caption]
The brown furry animal – decked out in regal attire – appeared on Saturday night’s ITV show[/caption]
Viewers reckon actor Michael Sheen, 55, is the man behind the mask[/caption]

They kicked off the new The Masked Singer series alongside Bush, Toad In The Hole, Pegasus, Pufferfish, and Wolf.

Bear has made references to performing in the West End as a “cub” before they took to the stage to sing his version of Oliver! song You’ve Got to Pick A Pocket Or Two.

Prior to the tune, Bear said: ”The stage is set, the audience awaits, and I am hungry for the competition.”

During the show, the friendly character also revealed a riddle which told: “I’m walking the stage and displaying my toil, but I’m also at home amongst flowers and soil.”

Now ITV viewers reckon the man behind the mask is A Very Royal Scandal actor Michael Sheen, 55.

Savvy fans put two and two together after linking the Welshman’s vocal talents with his recent carpool karaoke stint on The Late Late Show.

One took to X to claim: “Bear is…Michael Sheen??”

A second put: “Why does Bear sound like Michael Sheen??” as a third wrote: “I think Bear is Michael Sheen.”

Others on Reddit were quick to share their opinion, particularly after they shared clues including several globes and a ‘break a leg’ sign.

One referred to the acting quip and insisted: “It’s Michael Sheen. Trained with RADA. Acted in The Globe, done loads of Shakespeare both shows, audiobooks etc.

“Dated Kate Beckinsale who’s dad was in Porridge and is blonde like Goldilocks. Did car pool karaoke and sang West End girls with Rhys what’s his name. (Best episode of car pool karaoke ever)

“Also was part of Welsh youth theatre and turned down youth contract with arsenal. Had portrait painted by someone with coffee and he signed and actioned it for charity. Won celebrity bake off for Comic Relief.”

Another mused: “I think he’s hiding his voice but almost certain it’s him.”

A third put: “I was leaning towards Michael Sheen too, it’s the same voice he does when he does the jokey Welsh singing thing on Staged.

Who has left The Masked Singer 2025 so far?

Much to the delight of telly fans, The Masked Singer is back in 2025.

Twelve celebrities have been hidden behind intricate costumes, with their identities concealed.

Sadly, not all of this year’s whacky and wonderful characters can make it to the end of the show, as there can only be one winner.

Here’s who has been unmasked so far:

Pegasus – the mythical horse was revealed to be Prue Leith, with judge Jonathan Ross correctly guessing her identity

Spag Bol – this character was first to be unmasked and was none other than Good Morning Britain host Kate Garraway.

Plus there was one extra unmasking this season, with Giant Joel – a caricature of host Joel Dommett – unveiled as double-double Olympic champion Sir Mo Farah.

“Minute I heard him that’s what I thought.”

Other clues have included a horseshoe and a coffee cup.

So far this season, Davina McCall has guessed that the star hiding behind the Bear costume is fellow actor Patrick Stewart.

Elsewhere on the panel, new judge Maya Jama plumped for Gordon RamsayJonathan said Christopher Biggins, and Mo Gilligan guessed fellow comedian Tom Davis.

Fans called out his vocals after he was on Carpool Karaoke on The Late Late Show
He recently starred in A Very Royal Scandal – with his Masked Singer character quipping ‘break a leg’ in an acting reference[/caption]
The animal appeared alongside a host of other characters as the new The Masked Singer season kicked off[/caption]

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Собянин рассказал, как офсеты помогают обеспечивать молочные кухни Москвы

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