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Retro Renault 5 is a cool, cheap EV that makes me happy… I’m convinced it will be European Car of the Year


THE gorgeous Renault 5 will be crowned 2025 European Car of the Year tomorrow.

I’m utterly convinced of it.

The Renault 5 will be crowned 2025 European Car of the Year tomorrow – I’m sure of it[/caption]
The Renault 5 (centre) faces competition from the Dacia Duster (left) and the Cupra Terramar (right)[/caption]

Sixty jurors from 23 countries, including yours truly, will award points to seven finalists in Brussels. Think Eurovision Song Contest for cars.

The contenders are:

  • Alfa Romeo Junior
  • Citroen C3/e-C3
  • Cupra Terramar
  • Dacia Duster
  • Hyundai Inster
  • Kia EV3
  • Renault 5/Alpine A290

I’m not allowed to tell you how I divided my 25 votes just yet.

People bet on these things, apparently. But I can tell you my rankings. So, here goes.

Renault 5. Just a cool car. The coolest car. For not a lot of money. If you asked me which car I’d spend my money on from this list, it’d be the R5.

Although I might wait for the new Clio hybrid coming this summer.

Those retro R5 looks make me happy. The way this car drives makes me happy. The £23k price tag makes me happy.

If any car is going to convince ordinary drivers to switch to electric, it’s the R5. Surely Renault will go back-to-back after Scenic’s triumph last year?

Dacia Duster. Close second in my book. Very close second. Brilliant family SUV priced like a supermini – and more capable than you might think.

Proper mechanical 4WD, high ground clearance and attack angles, chunky tyres, five drive modes, all for £24k.

Or there’s a hybrid auto with front-wheel drive for similar money. The mid-spec Expression trim unlocks 10in touchscreen, reversing camera and wireless Apple CarPlay. Boom.

Cupra Terramar. This is the third time Cupra has been shortlisted in five years so the Spanish are obviously doing something right.

Terramar looks great, drives sweetly and has an excellent menu of petrol engines, hybrids and plug-in hybrids, as well as a spicy VZ version.

As for build quality, Terramar is made by the same hands that put the Audi Q3 and Volkswagen Tiguan together.

Another plus-point.

It feels fresh and expensive inside with cool copper detailing. Prices from £37k.

I actually awarded the Kia EV3 the same points as Terramar. So, joint third if you like.

The junior SUV costs much the same as a mid-range Volkswagen Golf at £36k and nudges 372 miles on a charge. Impressive.

You might need to recharge it once a fortnight. Lots of space, lots of Kia goodness.

Then I ranked the Citroen C3/e-C3 fifth, Alfa Romeo Junior sixth and the Hyundai Inster seventh.

To be fair, all seven motors have to be good to be shortlisted from dozens of cars launched in the last year.

I’m just miffed the wicked Mini Cooper petrol didn’t make the cut.

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