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Chloe Ferry reveals heartbreaking reason why she’ll never film Geordie Shore with her boyfriend


CHLOE Ferry has revealed the heartbreaking reason why she’ll never film Geordie Shore with her boyfriend.

The 29-year-old reality star has been on/off with boyfriend Johnny Wilbo since 2021.

Chloe Ferry has revealed the heartbreaking reason why she’ll never film Geordie Shore with her boyfriend[/caption]
Chloe with her boyfriend at Christmas[/caption]

But despite the show that made her famous returning to screens for a brand new series filmed in Thailand, Chloe insisted she won’t bring Johnny onto the show.

Sitting down with co-stars James Tindale and Kyle Christie, the Geordie native explained why.

Chloe, who looked stunning in leopard print for the episode launch party, told The Sun: “He wasn’t involved in the series, and to be honest we have spoken about it and we think we might be filming again soon and I do have a boyfriend now.

“So I was going to bring him on but there was a situation with James and his partner and basically if that had happened to my partner I wouldn’t be able to control myself.”

Chloe added: “If anyone speaks badly to my friends or my partner I just fly off the handle.

“So I am really back and forth about what to do, because if anyone spoke to my lad like that I’d kill them.”

Chloe also said she likes to keep her current relationship “a little bit private” due to her last being very much in the public eye.

She went on: “For now until we know exactly what’s going on and stuff, I want to keep it just like that.

“I love Geordie Shore so much but it’s really hard bringing your partner there because people actually just don’t get on.”

Kyle and James jumped in to add that you feel “vulnerable” while filming, and said if something happens to them it feels like it happens to their partner too.

James explained that someone hadn’t spoken to his new fiancée Leah Bowley the right way while filming, which has spooked Chloe from introducing her man to the show.

Despite their past rocky relationship, Chloe and Johnny proved that they’re very much back on last year.

She broke her silence on her relationship with Johnny in January 2024,  after they’d enjoyed a romantic holiday in Thailand.

Before this, she’d dumped him after he was caught messaging other women behind her back.

However, at the time she urged fans not to judge her change of heart, insisting that “there are a lot of things that people don’t know”.

On her relationship, Chloe previously told The Sun: “It’s going alright, it’s like any relationship – there are ups and there’s downs.

“But it’s going alright to be honest, we’ve just been to Thailand together, we’ve actually had a really good holiday to be honest.

“If I’m still with him…because we’re up and down, if we are still together after summer, I’m having one last wild summer and then we’re going to start trying for babies.”

When asked if she now trusts him or if she’s worried about history repeating itself, Chloe said: “There were a lot of reasons, I’m not me making excuses for him, but there were a lot of things that people didn’t know.

“I do trust him now, obviously we do argue about it, I’m not just going to forget about it.

“It’s always there in the back of my mind and that’s why we mainly argue a lot, because I always struggled with trusting someone because of the past I’ve had with my boyfriends from before.

“But we are trying to learn to trust each other but things are going good to be honest.”

Stream the first TWO episodes of the brand-new series of Geordie Shore on Paramount+ first today, or

Catch-up weekly Tuesdays at 10pm on MTV! New episodes are streaming every Tuesday on Paramount+, and if you can’t get enough, stream EVERY series of Geordie Shore on Paramount+ now!

EXCL Chloe Ferry dating hunky toyboy four months after split with Hollyoaks star https://www.instagram.com/_johnnywilbo/?hl=en-gb, Johnny wilbo,[/caption]
Cast taking part in a photocall and celebrities attending a screening of “Geordie Shore” at Thai Square Trafalgar Square in London Pictured: abbie holborn,sophie kasaei,chloe ferry,chantelle connelly Ref: BLU_S8113489 070125 NON-EXCLUSIVE Picture by: / SplashNews.com Splash News and Pictures USA: 310-525-5808 UK: 020 8126 1009 eamteam@shutterstock.com World Rights[/caption]

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