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Musk plotting to remove UK’s Starmer – FT


The billionaire has been discussing a plan to tank the PM’s popularity, sources have told the newspaper

Elon Musk is considering a campaign to force the resignation of Keir Starmer as prime minister of the UK, Financial Times wrote on Thursday. Its sources claim that the Tesla CEO privately discussed his intentions with allies.

A US-based billionaire and confidante of President-elect Donald Trump, Musk has recently made several public statements that critics say constitute political interference in foreign nations, including Britain. He has described Starmer’s cabinet as a “tyrannical government” from which the US might need to “liberate the people” in the UK, a close American ally.

The rhetoric reflects a covert plan to oust Starmer before the next general election by undermining his approval, FT claimed. Such a path towards changing the government is viable under the country’s political system, the British newspaper noted, citing Boris Johnson and Tony Blair as recent examples of prime ministers who had to end their terms early under public pressure.

The report cited anonymous “people briefed on the matter.” Musk’s view is “that western civilization itself is threatened,” one of the sources explained.

Read more
Musk champions regime change in Britain

Musk has made verbal attacks on Starmer and other British officials for their roles in the purported coverup of an infamous ‘grooming’ scandal. Gangs of mostly Pakistani men allegedly targeted white British girls for some two decades, as authorities failed to act due to political correctness concerns.

”Starmer is evil,” Musk declared last week, referring to the current prime minister’s role as director of public prosecutions in England and Wales. He has also described Jess Phillips, under-secretary for safeguarding women, as a “rape genocide apologist,” after she rejected a request last week to lead a public inquiry into child sexual exploitation in Oldham, England. British officials have accused Musk of spreading “disinformation” about the scandal.

FT sources said Musk plans to undermine the Labour Party’s support by boosting the right-wing Reform UK party, possibly orchestrating a change in its leadership. The billionaire has recently said that its head, MP Nigel Farage, “doesn’t have what it takes” to be at the helm. The tech mogul reportedly considers British lawmaker Rupert Lowe a better option.

READ MORE: Musk calls for Reform UK to oust Farage

Farage said on LBC Radio on Wednesday he has “no desire to go to war” with Musk, since he is an admirer of the entrepreneur’s pro-free speech advocacy.

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