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Other Nations are Following America, Voting Conservative for the First Time in Years


The U.S. 2024 elections brought about a right-wing political surge as Republicans took control of the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the White House. According to RealClearPolling, similar results occurred in other Western countries the same year, with some polls suggesting the conservative trend will continue into 2025.

The outlet reported that conservatives “made gains” in France, Austria, and the European Parliament elections throughout 2024, and that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Jan. 6 resignation announcement signals more support for right-wing shifts in Canada’s future as well.

As CatholicVote previously reported, Trudeau also announced that he is stepping down from leading the country’s Liberal Party, which he has done since 2013.

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“This country deserves a real choice in the next election,” Trudeau said in part during his Jan. 6 address. “And it has become clear to me that if I’m having to fight internal battles I cannot be the best option in that election.”

RealClearPolling reported that one Dec. 2024 poll found Canada’s Conservative Party leading across the nation by 25 points and leading the Liberal Party 45%-20%, a shift from the last 2021 federal elections, when Liberals won by a clear majority. Canada’s New Democratic Party, which leans more left than the Liberal Party, has increased in popularity by just over 2% since 2021. Conservatives are currently predicted to win the vast majority of seats in the Canadian House of Commons after elections in October 2025.

Germany’s conservative parties are also slated to make headway in February during the country’s federal election, RealClearPolling reported. The left-leaning Social Democrat Party (SPD) coalition, Green Party, and Free Democratic Party (FDP) won almost two-thirds of the seats in the Bundestag, Germany’s national parliament in 2021, but their time in power has likely run out.

“After the 2025 elections, however, this coalition of the SPD, Greens, and FDP will no longer be sufficient to form a majority, according to current polls,” the outlet added.

According to a January 2025 poll, Germany’s center-right party, the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), and the right-wing party, the Alternative for Germany (AfD), are polling higher than the other left-wing parties. The CDU is currently polling at 31%, with the AfD polling at 21.5%.

“If these voting percentages hold until election day, this would represent a 7% increase in the vote share for the CDU and a doubling of support for the AfD, which received 10.4% of the vote share in the previous Bundestag election,” the report stated.

The outlet also reported that if parties later form coalitions, historical precedent suggests a coalition between the CDU, SPD, and the Christian Social Union, the CDU’s sister party.

In Austria, the right-wing Freedom Party finished first during the September 2024 elections. The government’s attempts to form a coalition excluding the party ultimately failed, and Austria’s president reportedly tasked the leader of the Freedom Party Jan. 6 with forming a coalition government, this time including the party.

LifeNews Note: Hannah Hiester writes for CatholicVote, where this column originally appeared.

The post Other Nations are Following America, Voting Conservative for the First Time in Years appeared first on LifeNews.com.

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