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Court ruling destroys Biden’s agenda to give boys access to showers for females


A court ruling has destroyed Joe Biden’s agenda to open girls’ showers, locker rooms, restrooms and other private facilities to boys and men.

The case was fought by the state of Tennessee against the White House scheming that essentially was a promotion of the transgender lifestyle choice.

Tennessee Attorney General Jonathan Skrmetti won the fight over the administration’s unconstitutional Title IX rule changes.

“This is a huge win for Tennessee, for common sense, and for women and girls across America,” Skrmetti said. “The court’s ruling is yet another repudiation of the Biden administration’s relentless push to impose a radical gender ideology through unconstitutional and illegal rulemaking. Because the Biden rule is vacated altogether, President Trump will be free to take a fresh look at our Title IX regulations when he returns to office next week.”

The ruling comes from the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Kentuck, which said the Department of Education’s Title IX changes “would have compromised girls’ privacy in locker rooms and bathrooms and required teachers and administrators to use pronouns that do not align with students’ biological sex,” and that “exceeded the federal government’s authority and violated the Constitution,” Skrmetti said.

Biden has repeatedly tried to change the definition of “sex” in federal law to mean the politically charged “gender identity.” His court fights even have claimed that when America’s nondiscrimination laws were written 50 years ago or more, lawmakers actually intended that “sex” meant “gender identity.”

College athlete Riley Gaines, who was a victim of the Biden campaign, called it a “huge win.”

“This is a colossal win for women and girls across the country,” explained Kristen Waggoner, of the ADF, which was involved through a related dispute. “The Biden administration’s radical attempt to redefine sex not only tossed fairness, safety, and privacy for female students out the window, it also threatened free speech and parental rights. With this ruling, the federal court in Kentucky rejected the entire Biden rule and the administration’s illegal actions.”

At least seven circuit courts already had temporarily blocked Biden’s agenda, and the Supreme Court previously affirmed two lower court’s temporary injunctions.

The court ruling applies nationwide.

The ruling said, “There is nothing in the text or statutory design of Title IX to suggest that discrimination ‘on the basis of sex’ means anything other than it has since Title IX’s inception—that recipients of federal funds under Title IX may not treat a person worse than another similarly-situated individual on the basis of the person’s sex, male or female.”

It continued, “As this Court and others have explained, expanding the meaning of ‘on the basis of sex’ to include ‘gender identity’ turns Title IX on its head. While Title IX sought to level the playing field between men and women, it is rife with exceptions that allow males and females to be separated based on the enduring physical differences between the sexes. For example, institutions that receive federal funds may permit separation of the sexes for purposes of living facilities, boys and girls conferences, and social sororities and fraternities. And these are just a few examples.”

The ruling said the Biden plan actually violates the First Amendment, the Constitution’s spending clause and is “arbitrary and capricious.”

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