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BBC announce major presenter shake-up as DJ is replaced by noughties kids TV star after his life-saving surgery


A MAJOR BBC presenter shake-up has seen a DJ replaced by a noughties kids TV star following life-saving surgery.

Radio 2 star DJ Spoony previously revealed he had emergency brain surgery just before Christmas.

DJ Spoony – real name Johnathan Joseph – has been a BBC radio favourite for decades[/caption]
The star previously revealed he had a brain operation on Christmas Eve[/caption]
Angellica Bell will be stepping in to cover[/caption]

The 54-year-old star – whose real name is Johnathan Joseph – told his Instagram followers that he had a subdural haematoma.

Meanwhile, the NHS describes it as a “serious condition” where blood pools between the skull and surface of the brain.

Presenter Angellica Bell – known for her CBBC stint in the ’00s – revealed she would be stepping in for the time being.

She wrote on Instagram: “It’s time to let you in on my news…..as of next Monday, I’ll be covering the Radio 2 Late Night Show for a bit.

I’m really looking forward to playing you some brilliant music, letting you delve into some of my vinyl collection, and of course, I’ll be reading out your messages.

So whether you’re winding down after a long day or you’re on the night shift for work, tune in from 10pm till midnight!

Seriously, I can’t wait, but you need to be joining me! Make it a date night! @bbcradio2.”

One follower responded: “Wonderful news! Congratulations Angellica xxx.”

Another added: “Looking forward to it Angellica. Love Radio 2.”

Spoony had been suffering from severe headaches, a key symptom, for close to a month prior to the op.

He battled through and continued with his day to day routine, but eventually went to A&E when it got too much.

From there, he was sent for a CT scan and a small bleed on the brain was found.

The star was immediately referred to Addenbrookes in Cambridgeshire for specialist treatment.

Spoony said: “Crazy as I’d been working and training solidly all through the time of the headaches.”

He described the surgery as “routine” though praised the “very high standard” of skill from the surgeon and their team.

Continuing, he said: “Within 10mins of the operation I was on my way back to the ward. Fully alert. Chatting. Not groggy after the general.

“Couldnt wait to have that banana by my bed as I’d been nil by mouth since 1pm the previous day.

What is a subdural haematoma?

A subdural haematoma is a type of bleeding that occurs between the dura mater (the outermost layer of the meninges covering the brain) and the arachnoid mater (the middle layer).

This condition typically results from a head injury that causes blood vessels, particularly veins, to tear and bleed into the subdural space.

The accumulation of blood puts pressure on the brain, which can lead to symptoms such as headache, confusion, vomiting, and in severe cases, loss of consciousness or neurological damage.

Quick medical attention is crucial to manage and treat a subdural haematoma effectively.

“That was the best banana I’ve ever had….as for the ginger shot. Perfect.

“‘[I] had something special to look forward to. Going home to my family and friends. All who had been incredible for the last few days. The visits, support, calls, messages. Very humbling.

“There was however some sadness waking up near to some people that didn’t know where they were, that would’ve spent a large part, if not all, of the day without loved ones.

“I think about them all every day and hope they are making progress in their recovery.”

Spoony had a subdural haematoma[/caption]

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