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TWO Coronation Street legends dodge cast cull as their future on show is confirmed


TWO Coronation Street cast members have been saved from the show’s swinging axe amid an ongoing cast cull.

Over the past week, a number of stars have either been axed by bosses or have chosen to quit the embattled soap as a cash crisis rages on behind-the-scenes of Weatherfield.

Not known, clear with picture desk
David Platt actor Jack P. Shepherd won’t be going anywhere on the cobbles anytime soon[/caption]
Antony Cotton is also locked in a deal that will keep him on the Street for 2025[/caption]

With five stars already out of the door, and even more expected to go, The Sun can now reveal that two long-running residents will be keeping their feet firmly on the cobbles.

Both Jack P. Shepherd, who plays David Platt, and Antony Cotton, known for his role as Sean Tully, will be staying on the soap throughout 2025.

It is likely to be a sigh of relief for the soap’s top bosses who have been expecting even more stars to walk out the door amid the toughest period in the show’s 65-year history.

A show insider said of Jack: “Jack signed his most recent contract last year so will be around for some time.

“He is a fan favourite so they would be gutted if he goes and they will do what they can to keep him happy.

“Bosses are desperate to keep him as long as possible.”

Whilst Antony Cotton has also been locked down to the ITV show with the actor’s current contract seeing him through until close to the end of the year.

The news that both the stars will be appearing on-screens for the rest of the year comes as The Sun confirmed that show icons Sally Dynevor and Michael Le Vell had both agreed brand new contracts to remain on the soap.

Both stars, who play former couple Kevin Webster and Sally Metcalfe, are said to have “jumped at the chance” to sign a new contract to keep them on the show throughout the year, especially under the current circumstances.

Earlier this week, we reported how an award-winning actress dubbed “the next Michelle Keegan” was the fifth in weeks to leave the tea-time show.

Charlotte Jordan, 28, who plays Rovers barmaid Daisy Midgeley, will bow out later this year.

Charlotte told sources that despite “loving the show” she is hungry to see what other opportunities await.

Her exit came after four actors announced they are quitting or have been written out of the soap since December.

Colson Smith (Craig Tinker), Sue Cleaver (Eileen Grimshaw), Luca Toolan (Mason Radcliffe) and Sue Devaney (Debbie Webster) are quitting or have been written out.

Sean Wilson was axed in September over a historical sex claim of which he was later cleared.

He had been due to return as Martin Platt as part of the departure storyline for Gail Platt, played by Helen Worth.

Meanwhile, the existing cast were left furious after their Christmas party was scrapped following the string of budget cuts.

Bosses are over-the-moon they won’t be losing Jack in the current cast cull[/caption]
Sally Dynevor was snapped up on a new contract to prevent her from going anywhere[/caption]
The major cast exodus has seen stars including Charlotte Jordan either leave or be axed from the soap
Rex Features

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