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People are just realising they are using their boiler wrong in cold weather but it costs just £1 to fix


A SIMPLE boiler mistake could see your heating turn off this winter – but costs less than £1 to fix.

Temperatures have dropped in recent weeks with large parts of the UK hit with snow and freezing rain.

One simple boiler error could lead to it shutting down, leaving you without heating[/caption]

And the last thing you need during a cold snap is your boiler breaking down and the heating going off.

One reason this might happen is if the condensate pipe attached to your boiler, usually found on an external wall, freezes over.

The pipe carries away waste water from your condensing boiler to a drainage system and keeps it running smoothly.

Luckily, one quick and cheap step will stop the essential pipe from getting too cold this winter – insulation.

The thick foam reduces any heat loss and protects your pipe from icy temperatures.

Nicholas Auckland, heating and energy expert at Trade Radiators, said: “Flexible pipe insulation is an inexpensive yet effective way to prevent your condensate pipe from freezing during cold weather.

“Prevention is the best way to ensure that it doesn’t freeze even when temperatures outside get really low.”

You can get affordable flexible foam pipe insulation from B&Q, Wickes, Screwfix and even Amazon.

At the time of writing, Nicholas said it was on sale for just 94p at Screwfix.

Make sure you measure the diameter of your condensate pipe and any insulation you buy is wide enough to fit around it though.

What to do if the pipe is already frozen

If it’s too late, and the pipe has already frozen over, it’s not a major deal and can be fixed easily.

Nicholas said: “Pour warm water, but make sure it’s not boiling, over the pipe.

“Make sure to start pouring at the point where it exits the wall, and work your way down.

“The water shouldn’t be boiling, as boiling water will damage the pipe and potentially result in injury. You should be able to touch the water without it scolding you.”

Once you’ve done this, you should reset your boiler and check it is running as per normal.

If it’s not, this might be a sign you haven’t fully thawed the condensate pipe and more warm water needs to be added, Nicholas said.

“If it still doesn’t work, call a professional to fix it as the inoperation could be caused by something else,” he added.

Other boiler mistakes to avoid

Plenty of people have the flow temperature on their combi boilers set incorrectly.

The flow temperature is the temperature of the water your boiler heats before sending it to the radiators.

But if it’s not set to the correct amount, it means the unit won’t condense properly.

Ian Palmer-Smith, supplier and heating service director at Domestic & General, previously told The Sun the boiler heating side should be set to 70 degrees and the water side to 60.

Do this, and you are increasing the efficiency of your boiler by up to 15% which could save you hundreds of pounds each year.

Make sure you are getting your boiler serviced regularly as well, as this means any issues are flagged early and you won’t have to call out an expensive engineer.

Top tips for saving money on your energy bills this winter

Make sure you’re bleeding your radiators regularly as this will ensure water flows through them properly and they work as efficiently as possible.

Try blocking draughts in your home too, as this will stop warm air from escaping and cold air from getting inside.

Put reflexive materials behind radiators which will reflect heat back into the room meaning your central heating system doesn’t have to work as hard.

Do you have a money problem that needs sorting? Get in touch by emailing money-sm@news.co.uk.

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