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‘It’s swimming’: Woman goes out to eat oysters. Then she notices the strangest thing when she looks down to take a bite


A woman shares a video of a worm-like creature "swimming" towards the flesh of one of the raw oysters on her plate, sparking debate about the safety of the popular delicacy.

In a video with over 4.6 million views, TikTok user Margo (@margo4811) zooms in on an oyster. A slender, orange "worm" slowly moved down towards the oyster meat from the top of the shell.

"It's trying to find the oyster. It'll go inside of it, so it might disappear in a second," she says.

She pans over to the left of the oyster, showing a second worm.

"I don't think I'll ever eat an oyster again after this," she remarks. "And I was just saying how much I like them."

What is the creature inside the oyster?

In the comments, viewers suggest what the creature could be.

"Mud worm, common. Indicating fresh harvest," one writes.

"That’s called a bristle worm or a fire worm. If you touch it, they release tiny little bristles that feel like fiberglass," another warns.

"I stopped eating oysters two years ago. I went to a really fancy restaurant here in Miami by the bay. After eating a few I found this very same thing! Spent the whole night with shivers, high fevers, and intense stomach cramps," a third shares.

But should you be worried if you find a worm in your oyster?

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, it's common to see a worm or two in your oyster—and you shouldn't fret for your health if you accidentally consume one.

Instead, NOAA recommends wiping the worm off the oyster with a napkin or putting it in a glass of water for entertainment.

Will viewers still eat oysters?

Even though the worms don't pose a threat to human health, some viewers express their unwavering disgust. Many say they won't eat oysters again.

"Confidently never eating oysters, never before, and not gonna start," one says.

"Love oysters!! But exactly the reason why I stopped eating them!" another writes.

"I USED to love fresh oysters. Like a second before this video came up on my For You Page," a third adds.

However, some are fearless in their pursuit of fresh seafood.

"I will still be eating oysters, thank you," a viewer writes.

"Oh wow, that’s strange: *Me eating a dozen oysters right now without a care*," another says.


♬ original sound - Margo4811

The Daily Dot reached out to Margo via TikTok direct message and comment.

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The post ‘It’s swimming’: Woman goes out to eat oysters. Then she notices the strangest thing when she looks down to take a bite appeared first on The Daily Dot.

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