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WATCH: Heroic Young Woman Takes a Brave Stand Against Endless Stream of Mostly Non-English Speaking Looters Near a SoCal Wildfire

A brave woman stands up to and chases away looters in Los Angeles. Credit: @DiligentDenizen

Tragic circumstances bring out the best and worst of humanity. In the case of the wildfires wreaking havoc across Southern California, we have seen both.

The worst offenders have been the hundreds of looters who have taken advantage of the homes not completely destroyed to grab incalculable amounts of goods.

One brave young woman, though, is taking a brave stand against these low-lifes with no help from the police. X user Diligent Denizen posted a video of the lady in action, showcasing how she is single-handedly putting her personal safety at risk to chase away looters in the LA neighborhood of Encino. Most of these looters do not speak a word of English.

This is an area near the Palisades fire, which began Tuesday, that is being used as an evacuation zone.

The video begins with the woman revealing that most of the people she sees are frequent ‘visitors’ to the area.

“In these cars, I have seen the EXACT SAME people moving around (for days),” she explains before springing into action. Within 30 seconds, she goes up to a dark car without regard for her safety and confronts one suspicious person in a dark vehicle.

“Can I help you?” she asks while holding a flashlight. After getting an inaudible response, she tells the man, “Yeah, there’s a fire, genius.”

Following the sequence, she and two men, who identify as journalists, erupt in laughter. One can be heard saying, “I really like you.”


A few moments later, a large white SUV pulls around looking for trouble but quickly vacates the scene after the group shouts “Policia” (Spanish for police) and says that cops are on their way.

Another white car carrying Hispanic-looking men soon pulls up but quickly flees the scene upon seeing the woman and her new group of friends.

“You ain’t getting sh*t!” one of the journalists shouts.

More cars continue to arrive to loot. But like the ones before, they vacate upon seeing the young woman.

While much of the video will invite chuckles from readers, it’s important to note she is potentially risking her life to stop crime. As we have seen across Democrat-run cities in America, crooks will not hesitate to pull out a gun and murder you in the street as they drive away.

The post WATCH: Heroic Young Woman Takes a Brave Stand Against Endless Stream of Mostly Non-English Speaking Looters Near a SoCal Wildfire appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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