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Police officer killed after being hit by lorry while helping people involved in crash

PC Rosie Prior was killed this morning (Pictures: North Yorkshire Police)

A police officer has been killed after being hit by a lorry while helping people at the side of the road following an earlier crash.

PC Rosie Prior pulled up at the side of the A19 at Bagby, near Thirsk in North Yorkshire, to help motorists involved in a collision between a black Ford Focus and a silver Audi.

But while she was standing on the verge of the road with the Audi driver and his passenger, a heavy goods vehicle (HGV) ploughed into them.

The officer and the driver, 41-year-old Ryan Welford, from Knaresborough, died at the scene. The Audi passenger, a teenage boy, is in a serious but stable condition in hospital.

The driver of the HGV, a 65-year-old man from Berwick-upon-Tweed, has been arrested on suspicion of causing death by dangerous driving. He has been released under investigation.

PC Prior’s family described her as ‘a loving mum, wife, daughter, sister, aunty and will be deeply missed’.

Mr Welford’s family said: ‘Ryan was a hardworking and loving father, husband, son and brother. He will be greatly missed by his family and friends.’

PC Prior joined North Yorkshire Police as a student officer in May 2022 (Picture: North Yorkshire Police)
Ryan Welford’s family said he was ‘a hardworking and loving father, husband, son and brother’ (Picture: North Yorkshire Police)

North Yorkshire Police Chief Constable Tim Forber said: ‘It is with profound sadness to confirm the death of PC Rosie Prior on Saturday morning who was tragically killed while helping at the scene of a separate collision on the A19 near Bagby.

‘We are doing everything we can to support Rosie’s family, along with the family of a man who was also tragically killed in the incident.

‘This is clearly a deeply traumatic and heartbreaking event for everyone involved and we ask that the two families are left alone to grieve in peace. They do not want any media outlets to contact or approach them.

‘Rosie’s response team colleagues in York, and from around the force, are being supported at this extremely difficult time.’

North Yorkshire Police’s Chief Constable Tim Forber has paid tribute to PC Prior (Picture: North Yorkshire Police)

The scene of the collision reopened at around 7.20pm on Saturday.

Two cars and the HGV have been recovered. Highways have cleared debris from the road to ensure it is safe to drive on.

The Major Collision Investigation Team is urging witnesses to either of the two collisions, and motorists with relevant dashcam footage, to get in touch without delay.

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