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Islam Does Not Prohibit Girls’ Education: Muslim World League Chief


Mohammed bin Abdul Karim Al-Issa, Secretary-General of the Muslim World League, emphasized that Islam does not prohibit girls’ education. Addressing a summit in Islamabad, he rejected the claims of those using Islam to justify restrictions on girls’ education.

Speaking at the Girls’ Education in Islamic Societies Summit in Islamabad, the Secretary-General stated, “We reject the religious justifications some use to prevent girls’ education under the name of Islam.” He reaffirmed that Islam does not impose such limitations.

During the summit, Al-Issa told journalists, “Our message to those preventing girls’ education is clear: Islam has no restrictions against it.” He stressed the importance of highlighting this message in the summit’s declaration.

The two-day Girls’ Education Summit in Islamic Societies commenced on Saturday, January 11, in Islamabad. The summit aims to address barriers to girls’ education in Islamic communities and promote awareness of its importance.

Over 150 international delegates, including ministers, ambassadors, scholars, and representatives from organizations such as UNESCO, UNICEF, and the World Bank, attended the summit. Their discussions focused on equitable access to education for girls across Muslim-majority countries.

Pakistan’s Prime Minister, Shehbaz Sharif, inaugurated the summit by addressing the challenges the Muslim world faces in ensuring equitable access to education for girls. He remarked, “Depriving girls of education means taking away their bright future.”

Pakistan extended an invitation to the Taliban to participate in the summit, but the group declined to attend. The absence of the Taliban underscored the ongoing restrictions on girls’ education in Afghanistan.

The conference took place amidst severe restrictions imposed by the Taliban on girls’ education in Afghanistan, making it the only country in the world where girls are banned from attending school.

The summit concluded with a strong call for collective efforts to ensure access to education for girls across Islamic societies. The participants stressed the need for policy reforms, community awareness, and international collaboration to remove barriers to girls’ education.

The discussions at the summit highlighted the transformative power of education for girls, not just for individuals but for entire societies. The declaration issued at the summit emphasized the shared responsibility of the global Muslim community to support and champion the education of girls as a fundamental right and a key to societal progress.

The post Islam Does Not Prohibit Girls’ Education: Muslim World League Chief appeared first on Khaama Press.

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