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Bossjob’s new AI tool helps recruiters, job seekers with resume issues


MANILA, Philippines – Recruitment platform Bossjob launched a resume analysis tool to help recruiters and job seekers in the recruitment process.

Its new AI-powered tool aids in ensuring “unbiased selection” for recruiters and assists job seekers with strengthening their resumes.

“For job seekers, it’s a real game-changer, providing insights that make their applications stand out,” Bossjob country manager Kimberly Chen said.

“For employers, it’s about making smarter, faster, and fairer hiring decisions,” she added.

How does it help job seekers? The AI Resume Analysis tool provides them with feedback based on the resumes they already have.

The tool can also help highlight specific skills and the job seeker’s experiences so these are noticed by recruiters from the get-go.

Meanwhile, it can also help job seekers create specific resumes for job applications and create “keyword-optimized” resumes. It may sound familiar: LinkedIn, an employment-focused social media platform, has its own feature that tells users whether they would be a top applicant in a job posting or not.

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One key feature of Bossjob’s AI Resume Analysis tool is that it also helps promote fairness in hiring. There have been stories of issues such as discrimination against gender, age, or ethnicity, among others, that some applicants have experienced in the hiring process.

The tool only focuses on qualifications and the skills laid out by applicant.

There have been issues with using AI in the hiring process. For instance, in the US, a group has filed a federal complaint against HireVue, another AI hiring tool, for preferring specific facial expressions and speaking tones.

However, Bossjob’s tool merely focuses on one aspect of the application process — the submitted resumes.

The tool helps recruiters scan and quickly assess applications, coming up with the top candidates by matching the job descriptions of the roles needed and the resumes submitted through the platform.

Its chat-first platform also allows the hiring process to be done quickly so once the resume has been filtered, recruiters can directly contact the applicant.

“Our AI Resume Analysis is designed to empower both jobseekers and employers, bridging the gap between talent and opportunity in today’s competitive job market,” Chen said. – Rappler.com

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