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Who Is Bo Nix's Wife? Meet Izzy, Who He Married in 2022!


Bo Nix is playing in his first NFL playoff game as the quarterback of the Denver Broncos, and while watching, you might be wondering about his personal life.

The 24-year-old first-year starting QB is married to his wife Izzy Nix, 26!

The pair met when they both attended Auburn University. Izzy was a cheerleader and Bo was the school’s quarterback!

Eventually, Bo transferred to the University of Oregon while Izzy graduated in May of 2022.

The pair married in Alabama in the summer of 2022 and lived in Eugene, Oregon for 2 seasons while Bo played out his college career for Oregon.

Keep reading to find out more…

In April of 2024, Bo was drafted in the first round to the Denver Broncos.

Izzy did an interview with fashion brand Mestiza, where she introduced herself.

She shared, “Hey yall! My name is Izzy Nix and I was born and raised in Birmingham, Alabama. Starting from a very young age, I competed in the sport of gymnastics for 12 years, as well as played soccer and basketball in high school. I attended college at Auburn University, and graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science, and with minors in Psychology and Sport Coaching. I have always been passionate about sports, fitness, and helping others succeed and reach their goals. I currently am a fitness coach at F45 Training, where I have the privilege of doing what I love every day! My husband, Bo, and I got married Summer of 2022 and he just wrapped up his final year of college at the University of Oregon. We are now heading to Denver, Colorado as your newest Denver Bronco fans!”

She added, “My experience as an Auburn University cheerleader was an unexpected dream come true. Having never cheered before, I was unbelievably honored when I was selected as 1 of 10 women through technical skills and interview rounds to represent Auburn as a cheerleader. We were requested by Auburn Athletics to cheer at the majority of Auburn’s sporting events, as well as assist the Auburn Athletics Marketing Department by volunteering an average of 10 weekly hours to outreach initiatives within the Auburn Community. Every time I put on the AU uniform was a blessing, however cheering on the sideline for Bo was incredibly special and the cherry on top!”

When asked what someone might not know about her and Bo, she responded, “One thing that comes to mind is that Bo and I are equally competitive and ambitious! We both grew up playing multiple sports and were taught to never back down from a challenge. We push each other towards our goals and to be better versions of ourselves daily. Game nights at our house are very loud and a whole lot of fun!”

Tune in to watch the Denver Broncos take on the Buffalo Bills today at 1pm ET on CBS!

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