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Not cow, buffalo, or goat: World’s most expensive cheese is made from this animal’s milk, its price will shock you


World’s Most Expensive Cheese: Cheese is one of the luxury food items in the world with some types worth hundreds of dollars. Some cheese dishes at some restaurants cost thousands of dollars as they use rare cheese type to make it. however, Cheese lovers across the world may be surprised to know the most expensive cheese, crafted not from cow, buffalo, or goat milk, but from donkey milk. Popularly known as “Pule Cheese,” this luxurious delicacy costs so much that its price almost equivalent to gold.

A Cheese Like No Other

As per to a report by the Daily Mail, Pule Cheese, which is made from donkey milk, is produced at Zasavica Special Nature Reserve in Serbia. The main ingredient is the milk of the Balkan donkey species. The reason why this cheese is so expensive is hidden in its highly intricate and time-consuming making process. the process is so difficult and time consuming that the price of the milk product surge approx. Rs 80,000–82,000 per kilogram.

What Makes Pule Cheese So Expensive?

The milk product is made using a blend of 60 percent donkey milk and 40 percent goat milk. To produce just 1 kg of Pule Cheese, around 25 liters of donkey milk is required. However, a single donkey yields only 0.2–0.3 liters of milk per day. This rarity, and time consuming production process, makes it one of the priciest cheeses in the world.

Versatility and High Value

it is to be noted that the donkey milk is not only used for cheese production but also in skincare products. In India, where donkey population is not much, the milk could sell for Rs 25,000–30,000 per liter. This scarcity of donkeys has further elevated the status of Pule Cheese as one of the most luxurious food items in the world.

Complex Production Process

Pule Cheese has a creamy, mild salty taste and a soft, spongy texture. like other cheese, it is also a rich source of protein. However, Balkan donkey milk does not set easily and requires specialised techniques to make cheese.

Global Popularity

Expensive restaurants serve Pule Cheese dishes to their special customers. Its unique flavour, rarity, and labour-intensive production process have earned it a special place in the global food industry.

Health Benefits of Donkey Milk

As compare to cow milk, donkey milk contains more protein and nutrients, making it highly nutritious. Historically, the cheese has been bought for its health and beauty benefits. Cleopatra, queen of Egypt, was known to bathe in donkey milk to maintain her beauty.

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