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Gregg Wallace returns to TV for first time since MasterChef axe and launch of money-spinning new business


GREGG Wallace has returned to TV for the first time since his MasterChef axe.

The under-fire TV star, 60, left the show after being accused of inappropriate behaviour by multiple women.

Gregg Wallace returned to TV screens on Saturday
The under-fire presenter appeared in a repeat of Channel 5’s Beast from the East documentary[/caption]

MasterChef‘s production firm Banijay UK launched a probe last month after several women complained the TV judge had groped or harassed them.

Despite strongly denying any wrongdoing Gregg is said to have resigned himself to getting the sack – as we revealed previously.

However, Gregg returned to screens in a surprise and appeared on a Channel 5 show.

Bosses at the broadcaster aired a repeat of their Beast from the East documentary on Saturday, which charted the big freeze from 2018.

Gregg was one of the celebrity contributors who appeared on the show when it was first aired.

Reflecting on his experience of the bad weather, the fitness fanatic said: “I had to go shopping for underwear and clean shirts and spent seven or eight nights in a hotel room.”

He also praised the community spirit during the conditions, adding: “At our core, we are good people.”

Meanwhile, the BBC previously announced how Grace Dent would take over from Wallace on Celebrity MasterChef.

The Sun recently revealed how Gregg is flogging a £10 guide to the menopause penned by a middle-aged woman.

He had blamed his demise on “middle-class women of a certain age” who didn’t like his crude sense of humour.

Gregg is selling a guide to the condition by expert Kat Bright via his fitness empire.

Gregg Wallace - MasterChef scandal in Brief

GREGG Wallace has stepped down from his MasterChef hosting role after a probe into alleged inappropriate behaviour. But what's the situation?

Regular MasterChef host Gregg Wallace is currently the subject of a probe after an investigation was launched into his alleged misconduct over a number of years.

Gregg has been accused of making sexual remarks to 13 colleagues including Beeb anchor Kirsty Wark – accusations he denies.

The 60-year-old has now stepped away from the BBC show while historical misconduct allegations against him are investigated.

Yet the former greengrocer spoke out on social media to blast the “women of a certain age” who he claimed were behind the allegations.

The cooking show’s production company, Banijay UK, has said law firm Lewis Silkin would lead the investigation into Wallace’s alleged misconduct.

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