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Married At First Sight star admits she was ‘too fat’ for theme park rides before incredible weight loss


MARRIED At First Sight’s Adrienne Naylor has made a confession about being fat.

The blonde beauty, 27, said that she was “too fat” for theme park rides before undergoing her incredible weight loss transformation.

Married at First Sight’s Adrienne has opened up about how she was once ‘too fat’ for a theme park ride[/caption]
The blonde beauty underwent a huge weight loss transformation before shooting to fame on MAFS[/caption]
Channel 4
Adrienne spoke about her weight loss when she met her groom at the altar[/caption]
Instagram / @adriennenaylor
Adrienne has always been open and honest about how she lost weight[/caption]

Adrienne first spoke of her weight loss when she met her groom – who is now her ex – at the altar when appearing on Married at First Sight.

Speaking at the altar to her groom Matt, she said: “I spend the majority of my time in there [the gym]. This girl likes her food way too much to be naturally slim.

“I’ve always struggled with my weight but the past few years I’ve lost nearly eight stone,” she told him.

And now Adrienne has shared how before she shot to fame on reality TV, she experienced an embarrassing moment at a theme park.

“I once couldn’t get on a ride because I was too fat,” she confessed on the You and Me podcast.

She explained: “It was one that you had to stand in.

“I was with my ex-boyfriend and my friends, and you had to stand in it and they had to shut it and like drop you down.

“It couldn’t close and it wasn’t cause I had a fat ass, I had a flat ass.

“I was just wide,” she admitted.


Adrienne then explained that the people running the ride “tried to push it and it tried to set off and it had to come back, tried to do it again, and push it, and it had to come back”.

“I had to get off the ride and they went round on it. And it was like a taboo,” she candidly confessed.

Adrienne then got real about the emotions she felt and why she never wants to experience something like that again.

“I never want to experience that ever, ever, ever again,” she said defiantly

She concluded: “It’s the embarrassment that lives in me that sometimes fuels me.”

Married at First Sight's best moments

Married at First sight has brought eight explosive series of drama to the small screen. These are some of the best moments

  • When series 8 couple Rozz Darlington and Thomas Kriaras brought secretly brought a sex toy to the couple’s dinner party. Unbeknownst to their fellow cast members who they were having dinner with, Rozz wore a vibrating egg gadget whilst husband Thomas had the controls.
  • Nikita’s exit in series 6. Nikita was removed from the show early on due to her behaviour, which led to her husband Ant re-entering the experiment with Alexis.
  • A slightly more heart warming highlight from series 6 was watching Dan and Matt’s relationship unfold. Dan and Matt were the first same-sex couple on the show, and their relationship was both ground-breaking and adorable.
  • Emma and James’ wedding in series 1. They were the first couple to ever get married on the UK version of the show. Emma and James, had a beautiful ceremony that set the tone for the series.
  • The dinner party showdowns are always a MAFs highlight with explosive arguments and unexpected alliances forming.

Reacting to the video, one person commented: “This happened to me when I went to Thorpe Park with my mates years ago… so glad I don’t need to worry about that now!”

“It fuels me – love that! You are such an inspiration,” added a second.


Adrienne then commented herself and said: “Use it as fuel babies.”

The former Married at First Sight star has always been open and honest about how she lost weight.

Adrienne underwent a huge transformation before heading onto the show, with the blonde beauty dropping eight stone.

She has previously shared how she lost weight by training in the gym four to five days each week alongside improving her relationship with food.

Instagram / @adriennenaylor
Adrienne often shares before and after snaps to show off her body transformation[/caption]
Instagram / @adriennenaylor
The stunning star previously said that she goes to the gym five times each week[/caption]

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