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Hundreds of Brits can save money on their energy bills through special mode


BRITS don’t know how to use their own home appliances – with four in 10 sticking to the same settings.

A poll of 2,000 adults found 28% consider the washing machine the most confusing object, with 47% using the same programme every time.

A poll has revealed how four in 10 Brits stick to the same washing settings

The “quick wash” was the most popular setting for 59%, while 26% favour the “rinse and spin” cycle.

But 77% hardly ever put their wash on eco-mode, as 56% find the length of time it runs for off-putting.

It also emerged 21% don’t know if their machines even have this particular setting.

Air fryers (10%), dishwashers (9%) and ovens (9%) also confuse people, with 13% sticking to the same setting as they are scared of using the wrong one.

A spokesperson for Utilita Energy, which commissioned the research as part of its Power Price List series which provides a cost breakdown of common household gadgets, said: “Kitchen appliances are designed to make life easier, but for many, the endless buttons, settings, and features can feel overwhelming.

“It’s no surprise that so many people end up using the same setting time and time again.

“We’re aware that the ‘eco’ mode has been confused for an ‘ecology’ mode, which people assume is high cost for the pocket, but low cost for the environment.

“Simplifying the experience and understanding what your appliances can do can dramatically reduce energy costs and the impact each household has on the environment.”

The study also found that when it comes to ovens, 21% find timer settings the most confusing, followed by the self-cleaning function (13%), and eco-mode (12%).

While the descaling programme on a coffee machine is seen as the most complex to understand on the gadget, with the filter cleaning setting on a vacuum cleaner the trickiest one to comprehend.

It also emerged 31% find smart appliances more difficult to use than traditional ones, according to the OnePoll data.

And half of those polled feel they would benefit from an app or device that explains appliance settings more clearly.

Despite 28% “always” reading the manufacturer’s instructions before using a new machine, 19% have been unpleasantly surprised by the result after a cycle had ended.

The spokesperson for Utilita Energy added: “Understanding how to use kitchen appliances effectively can make a real difference, not just in performance but in saving money too.

“Using the right settings can reduce energy consumption, cut waste, and improve efficiency – it’s about getting the most out of what you already own.

“Small changes in how we use our appliances can lead to big savings over time.”

The top 10 most confusing household appliances:

  1. Washing machine
  2. Air fryer
  3. Oven
  4. Dishwasher
  5. Tumble dryer
  6. Coffee machine
  7. Mixed/food processor
  8. Vacuum cleaner
  9. Fridge
  10. Blender

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