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Much-loved car dealership suddenly closes down after half a century & issues statement over ‘unfortunate timing’


A MUCH-loved car dealership has been forced to shut its doors after some 50 years in business.

Blackdown Motor Company in Walton, Somerset, has ceased trading after facing “extremely challenging conditions” during the festive season.

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Blackdown Motor Company, which sold cars from Subaru and KGM, has suddenly closed down[/caption]

According to Car Dealer Magazine, the family-run dealer closed suddenly and led to 24 staff members being made redundant just days before Christmas.

Indeed, records show that a resolution to wind up the company – which represented Subaru and South Korean brand KGM – was passed at a general meeting of the firm’s members on December 23.

This was followed by the official appointment of a voluntary liquidator on January 7.

A statement of affairs published on January 10 reveals the company closed with vehicles totalling £2.36m in value, although their finance provider liability came to £2.52m – leaving a deficit of over £150,000.

It’s estimated that the rest of the firm’s assets will bring in £81,670, while documents reveal liabilities of £261,928 to HMRC.

A spokesperson for Assist Business Consulting Ltd, which is overseeing the company’s liquidation, told the Somerset Leveller: “The directors made the decision to cease trading in early December and the company was formally placed into liquidation on December 23, 2024.

“Unfortunately, this resulted in 24 staff members being made redundant.

“This was obviously a very difficult period for all involved and worsened by the unfortunate timing so close to the Christmas break.

“Businesses are facing extremely challenging conditions at the moment and coming under increasing pressure and this is another unfortunate casualty of those conditions.

“The Liquidator will now work to maximise the assets on behalf of the creditors and also liaise with its creditors, in particular the former employees and customers of the company, to assist them with the process and provide support to submit their claims.”

This comes as a man revealed to Sun Motors last week how he’d be hit with £25,000 in ULEZ fines for a vehicle he hadn’t owned for nearly a year.

Bilal Yousaf, 44, from Glasgow, Scotland, had his Renault Master repossessed in February 2024 after he was forced to give up work.

However, his details were seemingly still linked to the van.

Then, in March, Bilal – who says he hasn’t been to London in around 10 years – began receiving penalty notices from TfL, claiming he received on average “five fines a day” at their peak.

He says TfL even passed his details to a collection agency, which also began to send him letters.

Bilal says he contacted TfL numerous times to inform them of their mistake, but had no success in getting the fines withdrawn or stopped.

Elsewhere, Rolls-Royce are gearing up for their all-electric future by splashing out on an upgrade to their Goodwood facility ahead of the release of their second EV.

The luxury carmaker has revealed a £300m investment has been made into its manufacturing plant at Goodwood, located near Chichester, West Sussex.

The plant, which serves as Rolls-Royce’s headquarters and design, manufacturing, and assembly centre, received the largest cash injection since it opened in 2003.

RR said: “The extension will create additional space for the increasingly complex and high-value Bespoke and Coachbuild projects sought by clients who define luxury as something deeply personal to them.

“It will also prepare the manufacturing facility for the marque’s transition to an all-battery-electric-vehicle future.”

The iconic British brand is also readying its second EV that’s set to be launched later this year.

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