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Emmerdale’s Danny Miller branded ‘angriest contestant ever’ as he takes on Mastermind – and loses


CELEBRITY Mastermind viewers had a lot to say about Danny Miller’s performance – as things didn’t quite go to plan.

Emmerdale star Danny, 34, scored 10 points across the specialist and general knowledge rounds.

Celebrity Mastermind viewers were distracted by Danny Miller’s performance[/caption]
Danny faced general knowledge questions in the famous black chair[/caption]
Viewers noticed the soap star appeared to be sulking[/caption]

The actor, who has starred as Aaron Dingle on and off since 2008, played on behalf of charity Once Upon A Smile.

Fans claimed he spent much of the episode commiserating, leaned back with crossed arms and legs.

One viewer wrote on X, formerly Twitter: “The guy from Emmerdale. Sulking. Pathetic,”

Another added: “That Danny bloke looks furious. His body language as well…. He wants out of there.”

A third wrote: “I’ve never seen a contestant on #mastermind as thoroughly p****d off as Danny Miller tonight.

Basically gave up halfway through his general knowledge round and then sat like the mardiest man in the world.

Agent getting sacked in the morning.”

A fourth wrote: “Danny Miller throwing a right hissy fit on Mastermind!”

While a fifth chimed in: “Never has a Mastermind contestant looked so p***ed off as Danny Miller.”

In one instance, a question posed by Clive Myrie challenged Danny’s knowledge of Latin.

He asked: “The Latin term regina, often abbreviated to the letter R for instance in royal ciphers, translates into English as what word for a female monarch?”

Danny responded: “Monsignor” before host Clive informed him the answer was actually “queen”.

Television presenter Josie D’Arby, weather presenter Elizabeth Rizzini and sports broadcaster Qasa Alom also competed in the episode.

In the end, Elizabeth emerged victorious, with a winning score of 23.

Celebrity Mastermind airs on BBC One and iPlayer.

Aaron Dingle's biggest storylines

The character Aaron Dingle (formerly Livesy) made his Emmerdale debut all the way back in 2003. Current actor Danny Miller took on the role in 2008. Here are some of Aaron's biggest soap storylines over the years.

  • McFarlane family: After Aaron returns to the village in 2008, he is arrested by Ross Kirk (Samuel Anderson) for possession of drugs. His mother Chas‘ (Lucy Pargeter) family later learn he is a drug courier for the McFarlanes.
  • Coming to terms with his homosexuality: Initially, Aaron questioned and struggled to come to terms with his homosexuality. He ultimately confided in friend and guardian Paddy Kirk (Dominic Brunt).
  • Romantic advance towards Adam Barton: At one point, Aaron begins dating Holly Barton (Sophie Powles) and befriends her brother Adam (Adam Thomas). Aaron tries to kiss Adam after they are involved in a run-off road collision. Embarrassed, he tells Adam that he misunderstood the situation. Aaron sleeps with Holly, however, Adam informs his family that he thinks Aaron is gay. Aaron denies it but Holly ends the relationship.
  • Child sexual abuse: In 2015, it was revealed Aaron had been sexually abused by his father Gordon (Gary Mavers) when he was  from the age of 8 before Gordon kicked him out. Ultimately, Gordon was imprisoned years later – but took his own life while in prison.
  • Relationship with Jackson Walsh: Aaron and Jackson Walsh (Marc Silcock) started dating after a tumultuous start to knowing each other. Their story ultimately ended in heartbreak, as Jackson died by assisted suicide.
  • Suicide attempt: A harrowing storyline from 2010 saw a then-teenage Aaron attempt to take his own life.
  • Relationship with Robert Sugden: Aaron and long-standing character Robert Sugden were romantically linked following the latter’s return in 2014. Nicknamed “Robron“, the pair married in 2018, however, Robert exited the soap in 2019.

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