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Planned Parenthood accused of violating federal tax law

Kamala Harris, Gov. Tim Walz, Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff and Mrs. Walz take a selfie at a hangar at Pittsburgh International Airport, Pennsylvania, Sunday, Aug. 18, 2024.

Planned Parenthood, the biggest player in America’s abortion industry, is being accused of violating federal tax law by helping Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, the Democrat nominees in last year’s presidential race, in Florida.

Fox News reports a complaint has been filed by the organization “40 Days for Life” with the Internal Revenue Service charging the abortion corporation provided office space to the Democrats.

That would violate the restrictions to which the organization agreed for being given a tax-exempt status.

“40 Days” is one of the nation’s leading pro-life organizations, and it contacted the IRS just weeks ago with its information about “potentially prohibited political activities that may impact the tax-exempt status” of Planned Parenthood in Florida.

“This is one of the many violations we’ve seen Planned Parenthood do, because we’re physically at these abortion facilities, holding peaceful vigils and offering medical alternatives to abortion. And so because we’re out there, you know, at over 1700 locations, we see a lot of things that Planned Parenthood does,” “40 Days” spokesman Shawn Carney said in an interview with Fox.

Fox News Digital said it did not get a response to its inquiries of Planned Parenthood Florida.

“This was clearly noticeable. They were giving out flyers that said Tim Walz Tuesdays, which doesn’t sound like the greatest time in the world, but nevertheless, they were promoting all these events of hosting Walt Harris campaign events and providing their space to do that, which, of course, they did not do for the Republicans. And you just can’t do that as a 501c3. This is very, very basic,” the pro-life organization explained.

Carney said his group hopes that the incoming administration of President-elect Donald Trump will review the facts, given that this is the second offense that has been reported.

“Last summer, Carney’s group filed a separate complaint about Planned Parenthood’s mobile abortion bus that was operating a few miles from where the Democratic National Convention was taking place,” the Fox report said.

“The pro-abortion angle of running on celebrating abortion was a dismal failure for the Harris-Waltz campaign, but when we filed that, we did get a response that they had received it, and we are hoping and pushing the Trump administration to take up that investigation, because now we have two violations, both of which were obviously against the Trump administration and were heavily politically partisan towards the Democrats, which, of course, as nonprofits, you just can’t do,” Carney charged.

The complaint notes that the abortion company’s actions served “as a clear indicator of political endorsement or opposition of particular candidates and parties.”

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