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MSNBC Broadcasts Joy Reid’s Utterly Insane California Wildfire Conspiracy Theory


At this point in 2025, everyone pretty much knows what to expect from MSNBC race baiter Joy Reid.

Whether she’s raging about black people, white people, President-elect Donald Trump, or just raging for the sake of raging, Reid is a known, established entity — unfortunately.

So it should come as little surprise that Reid was back on her nonsense during her show’s Monday broadcast, spewing her usual rhetoric.

You can watch watch her idiocy for yourself below:

If you just can’t bring yourself to watch Joy Reid (and this writer can’t blame you … at all), the MSNBC talking head was discussing the raging wildfires that have razed swathes of southern California.

That, in and of itself, is totally fine.

But, as she is wont to do, Reid couldn’t just offer a recap and some prayers.

No, she had to bust out her tinfoil hat.

“The vulture capitalists are already circling, hoping to snap up the burned up properties for pennies on the dollar, so they can hedge fund them,” Reid said. This writer must admit that, given the lengthy tendrils of groups like BlackRock, Reid almost makes a good point here. Almost.

And it actually would’ve been a fine point had she ended it there. Surely you see where this is going.

“But the worst part,” Reid said, before hilariously catching herself and adding, “other than the fires themselves, has been the lies” Nice catch, Joy.

“Though if there is one thing the billionaire right is, they are consistent,” said Reid, whose net worth is generally accepted to be in the millions.

“They want California, America’s biggest state economy,” Reid continued, “because if they can take California and retrofit it with their ugly, right-wing policies, the way they’ve ruined Florida and Texas, and every other red state where poverty rates are high and education is warped, and non-white immigrants, pregnant women, victimized girls, and LGTBQ folks live in fear, then the fight for permanent control of America is basically over.

“They can drill and frack California until the fires this past week pale in comparison.

“They can rip out all the forests and hand over the land to developers, Florida-style.

“They can drive out the brown people, and the black and Asian people, or just sink them into the same apartheid they’ve created in Texas, and they will control enough electoral votes if they control California to never have to worry about another presidential election.”

Wow. Where to even begin with that unhinged rant? Let’s just go in order.

Her near-good point about BlackRock-like entities aside, Reid’s rant is rife with inaccuracies.

First and foremost, how, exactly, are Texas and Florida “ruined”?

As Business Insider noted in November 2024, these “ruined” red states are also — bizarrely — bringing in the most Americans.

Citing census data, BI noted that “nearly 612,000” people moved to Texas, while “almost 637,000 residents” moved to Florida between 2022 to 2023. That doesn’t exactly scream “ruin” — ironically, unlike California, which has lost “[n]early 94,000” residents to Texas.

So … yeah. Joy Reid is just flat-out wrong on this.

Next, let’s bring attention to Reid’s word choice/Freudian slip of “permanent control.” There’s a fight over this? Ninety percent of conservatives just want to be left alone and not have their traditional values trampled.

So that must mean that it’s the left and the Democrats trying to wrest “permanent control,” and that completely tracks with a major political party that is inching towards full-blown socialism by the day.

Last, but not least, what the actual (expletive) is Reid talking about with Texan “apartheid.” I genuinely can’t believe that I have to type these words out but: There is no apartheid in Texas. There will be no apartheid in California.

This is fear-mongering with zero basis in reality … and MSNBC allowed it.

And that’s really the key takeaway from Reid’s unhinged rant. This sort of drivel is expected from Reid at this point, but it gets more and more bewildering with each airing of “The ReidOut” that MSNBC is comfortable with her being one of the faces of the company.

Reid is, quite literally, fomenting hatred against white people, given her “billionaire right” comment is a dogwhistle for her listeners. MSNBC should fire her — for its own good.

Given that it’s also fair to ask how much more MSNBC will tolerate.

The leftist talking heads at the network like Reid, Rachel Maddow, and Chris Hayes, have not contributed to anything resembling a ratings win for MSNBC.

Will they ever change tack?

Probably not.

But until they do, you can expect the unhinged lunacy at the network to get worse and worse.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

The post MSNBC Broadcasts Joy Reid’s Utterly Insane California Wildfire Conspiracy Theory appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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