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‘It will never be the same again’ – Jack Grealish urged to leave Man City and move abroad


JACK GREALISH has been urged to leave Manchester City and resurrect his career abroad.

The England international has failed to justify the whopping £100million City spent on him in August 2021.

Jack Grealish has underperformed for well over a year[/caption]
Ex-Manchester United man Dwight Yorke reckons Grealish should resurrect his career abroad[/caption]

Grealish went a whopping 392 DAYS without scoring a goal for his club prior to to City’s 8-0 FA Cup demolition of Salford City last weekend.

The 29-year-old’s decline hasn’t shocked former Manchester United hitman Dwight Yorke, who believes the attacking midfielder needs to up sticks to breathe new life into his career.

He told CoinCasino.com: “I can fully understand Jack Grealish‘s situation from my own experience.

“t was the third season when I started to fall away at Man United, I won the treble in my first year.

“When you achieve certain things in the game, looking back at it, you can see why Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo are some of the best players ever.

“Because they were always hungry for more.

“Sometimes, players can lose their way when they win everything in the game.

“It’s easy to get to a certain level but it’s hard to maintain it.


“I remember when I scored 29 goals in my first year, 26 goals in my second year then 14 goals in my third season.

“I was declining, and it’s similar to Jack Grealish. His numbers are getting worse, he’s not improving.

“It’s a sign of something being not right, sometimes it’s hard to notice when you’re in a successful team winning all the time, like I was and Grealish is in now.

“I wish I left in my third season, to have a new challenge.

“My advice for Grealish is that leaving Man City and anywhere after will never be the same, he’s had his best years of his career already.

“If I was him, I’d probably go abroad, join a club in Italy or Spain.

“Anywhere else in the Premier League is going backwards, everything he’s achieved at Man City, he’ll never achieve again.

“He won’t enjoy the football because he’s not playing with the same level of players he once did.

Jack Grealish bagged his first goal in 392 days last weekend[/caption]

“Grealish could go back to Aston Villa, I had a similar opportunity to go back under Graham Taylor but they bought Peter Crouch instead.

“He’s in a similar boat to what I was, if I was Grealish I’d look at an opportunity to play abroad.”

City boss Pep Guardiola leapt to Grealish’s defence last weekend but warned the former Villa man that he has start to start delivering the goods.

He said of Grealish’s goal: “Of course [it was a big deal]. And he assisted the last one for [James] McAtee.

“I know he’s a player that doesn’t do that, but of course hopefully it can help him.

“Because, of course, when the players who play up front, they have to deliver.”

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