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Woman proudly shows off her new Disney tattoo, but people are left ‘wheezing’ and ‘crying’ at how bad it is


A WOMAN has left people “wheezing” with laughter after proudly showing off her new Disney tattoo.

In her post on Facebook, she told her followers that the inking – of The Little Mermaid’s Ariel and Minnie Mouse – is the “beginning of my Disney sleeve”.

A woman has left people “wheezing” with laughter after showing off her new Disney tattoo
She explained that it was the first part of a “Disney sleeve” she was creating on her arm
However, people insisted the drawings didn’t bear much of a likeness to Ariel, the Little Mermaid
Or to Minnie Mouse – seen here with Mickey[/caption]

“First drawing was done by my amazing boyfriend,” she wrote alongside her “good pic with good lighting”.

“He’s such a great artist and I love all his drawings.”

While Ariel is her favourite, she said she “had to have Minnie”.

“Always wanted this and my baby is helping me make it happen,” she continued.

“I love you baby, thank you for this beautiful piece.

“Can’t wait to add more to it eventually.”

The screenshot of the post was shared on Reddit’s S**ty Tattoos thread, with the poster admitting it’s someone she knows.

“I’ve had this screenshot on my phone for years but never had a place to share it,” they wrote.

“Someone I knew got this.

“Good pic with good lighting’ is really funny to me!”

And the comments section on the post was almost immediately filled with people giggling at just “how bad” the tattoo was.

“I… thought that was supposed to be Flounder….” one person admitted, referring to Ariel’s guppy buddy.

“The first time I saw this I did too!” the poster replied.

“Do people who get these actually think they look good, or do they just say that to save face,” another added.

“Oof Disney adults with bad Disney tattoos make me feel pretty good about all the choices I’ve made in my life so far,” a third said, adding “at least it doesn’t look infected!”

“Am I the only one that think Ariel looks like Michael Jackson?” someone else said.

How many Disney locations are there around the world?

DISNEY parks are located in several countries around the world. Here's the list of countries with Disney parks:

  1. United States
    • Disneyland Resort (Anaheim, California)
    • Walt Disney World Resort (Orlando, Florida)
  2. France
    • Disneyland Paris (Marne-la-Vallée, near Paris)
  3. Japan
    • Tokyo Disney Resort (Urayasu, near Tokyo)
  4. China
    • Shanghai Disney Resort (Shanghai)
    • Hong Kong Disneyland Resort (Hong Kong)

“The longer I look at this the worse it gets,” another sighed.

“Ariel looks like she’s turning into a f**king werewolf,” someone else joked.

“Is Minnie nursing from Ariel?” another commented, insisting the picture looked as though the mermaid was breastfeeding Minnie.

“I thought she was smelling her hair. As you do,” someone else said.

However, others tried to defend the woman, with one writing: “I can excuse the badness since they wanted a tattoo specifically drawn by their partner.

“As someone else already mentioned this kind of thing f**king sucks when you break up, though.”

“Confirming that they for sure broke up!” the poster replied.

“I always feel so bad when someone has a tattoo this s**t and LOVES it,” another said.

“I don’t know why it makes it worse, it just makes me sad thinking of all the hate they get for it when it means a lot to them!

“The hate is valid and all, don’t get me wrong, I definitely hate this; I just feel bad that this girl is at such a low point in her life that this is a positive.”

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