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Born-Alive Bill Introduced in Senate to Save Babies Who Survive Abortions


Today, Senator James Lankford (R-Okla.) reintroduced the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act in the U.S. Senate.

Senate Majority Leader John Thune previously announced the Senate would vote next week on the important measure.

While federal law has protections in place to ensure that babies who survive abortions receive lifesaving medical treatment and are not merely left to die, the legislation doesn’t have strong criminal enforcement mechanisms to punish those who would let babies die who survive abortions. This bill would solve that problem and put strong criminal enforcements in place.

The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act requires that, when a baby is born alive following an abortion, health care practitioners must exercise the same degree of professional skill and care that would be offered to any other child born alive at the same gestational age. It also requires that, following appropriate care, health care workers must transport the living child immediately to a hospital.

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Carol Tobias, president of National Right to Life, told LifeNews her group strongly supports the bill.

“In the past, because of their unwavering commitment to unlimited abortion, pro-abortion extremists in the House and Senate have been willing to let die babies who are born alive following an abortion. There is no such thing as a “post-birth abortion.” This bill isn’t about interfering with a so-called right to abortion. It is about stopping infanticide,” she explained. “The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act is reasonable legislation that would protect a baby who is born alive following an abortion. We thank Senator Lankford for his commitment to protecting babies who are born alive following an abortion and for reintroducing this crucial life-saving legislation.”

March for Life President Jeanne Mancini also supports the pro-life bill.

“It is simply common sense and a basic humanitarian practice to allow a baby who survives an abortion and is born alive to be protected and receive medical care. As we approach the 52nd annual March for Life, we are particularly grateful to Senators Lankford and Banks for leading the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, a bill that, if enacted, would ensure that no baby is refused proper medical care and left to die after surviving an attempted abortion. We call on Congress to align our country’s law with the views of the large majority of Americans, who do not want to see living babies left to die untreated.”

Thune plans the vote for Friday, January 24th – to coincide with hundreds of thousands of pro-life Americans participating in the March for Life.

“This vote will ask Democrats to answer whether a living baby born after an attempted abortion should be provided with medical care or left to die,” Thune said from the Senate floor.

Every year, babies are born alive as a result of botched abortions in America, but no one knows exactly how many. LifeNews recently examined abortion data from seven states between 2020 and 2022 and found reports of 34 babies who were born alive in botched abortions. The numbers almost certainly are much higher; most states do not keep track of abortion survivors.

Statistics from the Centers for Disease Control, as well as the personal testimonies of nurses and abortion survivors themselves, also provide evidence that babies survive abortions. According to the CDC, at least 143 babies were born alive after botched abortions between 2003 and 2014 in the U.S., though there likely are many more.

The post Born-Alive Bill Introduced in Senate to Save Babies Who Survive Abortions appeared first on LifeNews.com.

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