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Katie Price’s family and friends ‘fear she’s too weak for more surgery’ after weight loss


KATIE Price’s worried family and friends are fearing the star is “too weak” for more cosmetic procedures following her recent weight loss.

Katie, 46, told fans last week that she’d just her lips plumped again while also revealing her plans to have more filler injected into her bum.

Katie Price’s loved ones are said to be ‘worried’ about her plans for more cosmetic work[/caption]
The star has recently lost a lot of weight[/caption]
Katie insists her weight loss since the end of last year is natural[/caption]

The former glamour model described her backside as “saggy” and said she didn’t like its appearance since her weight loss.

But Katie’s family and friends are said to be really worried about the mum-of-five having any more work done.

Katie has slimmed down a lot since the end of last year.

Insisting it is not the result of popular weight loss jabs such as Ozempic, she says she has just ‘shrunk back’ to her natural size after gaining weight from IVF and from being inactive following her foot injury in 2020.

Katie’s loved ones, however, are still concerned.

A source told OK! magazine: “Her friends and family are worried about her as she has lost a lot of weight very quickly, and she wants to go back under the knife for more work.

“She wants to have her ears corrected and her bum lifted with filler, but people who care about her are worried that she’s not healthy or strong enough to be going on an operating table.”

Katie has spoken about her weight loss on the Disruptors podcast, which is hosted by Rob Moore.

Her chat with Rob came as fans tuned in to Katie’s new documentary Katie Price: Making Babies.

The Channel 4 show was filmed in 2023 and followed Katie and her then-fiancé Carl Woods as they embarked on an IVF journey to have a baby.

Their attempts were unsuccessful and the couple later split up.

Katie, meanwhile, has now insisted her recent weight loss is linked to her three rounds of IVF treatment.

She told Rob in his podcast, which was recorded before Katie Price: Making Babies premiered this week: “So people have said I’ve lost loads of weight.

“Now there’s a programme coming out in January, my IVF journey.

“Anyone you know who’s had IVF, you put on weight. I had three IVFs the past 15 months. They all failed.”

She added: “It started from when I broke my feet. They said I’d never run again. So I couldn’t run, wasn’t exercising, couldn’t ride my horses, so basically, I was in a wheelchair for 10 months.

“They said I couldn’t walk again, this all happened around COVID time, so obviously you’re going to put on weight because you’re not moving about.”

“Then I had to learn to walk again, but slowly, I still can’t run now, because I’ve got screws in my feet. Then I did IVF, pumped all my stuff, and it takes ages for it to get back out your body.

“But I say to people, if you look at old pictures of me, even after I’ve had babies, I just shrink back. I’ve always been tiny, and I think because the past sort of three years, I’ve been bigger, but they’re the reasons why, right?

“Now I’ve gone like back, now the IVF that’s all come out, and I’m more active because I could do more because of my feet, and I’m horse riding again, then naturally, i’m going back athletic again.”

Katie and her now-ex Carl Woods has three rounds of IVF[/caption]
The former couple were unsuccessful in their efforts to have another baby[/caption]

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