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Vice President JD Vance: Afghans cannot enter the US without proper vetting


The U.S. Vice President, J.D. Vance, in an interview with CBS, firmly defended Donald Trump’s decision to suspend the Afghan refugee resettlement program. He stated that the security screening of some refugees before entering the United States was inadequate and raised concerns.

In his first media appearance after taking office, Vance was repeatedly questioned about the suspension of the refugee transfer program. He strongly supported Trump’s decision, arguing that there is evidence suggesting some individuals had intentions of carrying out terrorist attacks.

Vance referred to the case of Nasir Ahmad Tohidi, an Afghan refugee in Oklahoma accused of planning a terrorist attack on election day. He pointed to this case as proof that the refugee screening process was flawed.

He further stated that many refugee programs face quality assurance issues and emphasized that thousands of people cannot be admitted to the U.S. without thorough scrutiny.

Vance expressed his concern about the safety of American neighborhoods, saying he would not want his children to live in areas with inadequately vetted immigrants and that he did not wish this situation upon any American families.

The suspension of U.S. foreign aid and refugee programs by the Trump administration has disrupted the relocation of over 40,000 Afghans who had completed all necessary procedures and were ready to travel to the U.S.

The suspension of the Afghan refugee resettlement program has left thousands stranded in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Albania, and Qatar, facing uncertainty. The halt in evacuation efforts of former U.S. military allies has drawn sharp criticism from lawmakers and human rights organizations.

Furthermore, the U.S. State Department has suspended funding for organizations assisting refugees with resettlement and employment, leading to the complete cessation of their operations. These strict immigration policies, a key part of Trump’s 2024 campaign, have cast doubt on the future of many Afghan refugees seeking safety in the United States.

Earlier, several members of the U.S. Congress criticized Trump’s order and called for its cancellation.

They emphasized that the Afghans who collaborated with U.S. forces during the 20 years of America’s presence in Afghanistan are now under serious threat from the Taliban and must be relocated.

The post Vice President JD Vance: Afghans cannot enter the US without proper vetting appeared first on Khaama Press.

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