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‘We are the opposite of Nazis’: Colombia’s president slams Trump deportation policies


American consumers narrowly escaped dramatic increases in the cost of their morning coffee and Valentine's Day flowers after President Donald Trump on Sunday announced, then quickly rescinded, a 25% tariff on all imports from Colombia — with plans for a whopping 50% tariff to be imposed one week later. Trump's tariffs were in retaliation for President Gustavo Petro refusing two U.S. military planes carrying deportees from the United States, and for denouncing the U.S. for transporting them in handcuffs.

"The US began using military aircraft to return recent border crossers back to their countries of origin last week, with flights expected to continue daily – partly as a message to other nations, White House border czar Tom Homan said Sunday," CNN reported.

Colombia, Mexico, and Brazil have all objected to Trump's decision to fly deportees on U.S. military planes, a change from the Biden administration's use of charter flights, which are far less expensive.

Earlier this month the Council on Foreign Relations warned of China's "growing influence" in Latin America. Trump's and Petro's short-lived trade war, experts warn, could push Colombia closer to China and Russia.

READ MORE: Trump Team Pushing ‘Utter Propaganda’ on Deportations to Create ‘Climate of Fear’: Experts

Under the Biden administration, Colombia accepted hundreds of flights returning its deportees each year, but President Petro expressed outrage Sunday over the military planes and the treatment of the deportees.

"President Petro appeared to object to the return of deportees on military rather than civilian flights - and to the way the migrants may be treated on those military flights," the BBC reported. "In his posts on X, Petro referenced a news video showing migrants deported from the US to Brazil, who had been handcuffed and had their feet restrained during the deportation flight."

Petro "said that he would 'never allow Colombians to be returned handcuffed on flights.'"

Trump's trade war, which was quickly matched by President Petro, fizzled before it was put into action after Colombia, according to the White House, agreed to all of Trump's demands, including the use of military planes.

"The Government of Colombia has agreed to all of President Trump’s terms, including the unrestricted acceptance of all illegal aliens from Colombia returned from the United States, including on U.S. military aircraft, without limitation or delay," the White House's statement read. "Today’s events make clear to the world that America is respected again. President Trump ... expects all other nations of the world to fully cooperate in accepting the deportation of their citizens illegally present in the United States."

President Petro took the opportunity to denounce President Trump's immigration policies.

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"Petro — Colombia’s first leftist president, who is closely allied with the presidents of Brazil and Mexico — said that over 15,600 U.S. citizens are living in Colombia without the proper documents. Petro added that while he is aware some Americans are living in Colombia illegally, he’s not going return them to the United States in chains," according to The Washington Post.

"We are the opposite of the Nazis," Petro wrote, according to Reuters.

"You will never see me burning a U.S. flag or carrying out a raid to return handcuffed illegal immigrants to the US. True libertarians will never attack human freedom," Petro also wrote, according to Newsweek.

"Sergio Guzmán, director of the political consultancy Colombia Risk Analysis, said that the standoff could push Colombia closer to China," The Washington Post also reported. "He noted that Colombia has expressed interest in joining BRICS — the economic partnership of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa — and China’s Belt and Road Initiative. Amid the diplomatic crisis between Petro and Trump on Sunday, China’s ambassador to Colombia posted on X saying Colombia and China are in the 'best moment of our diplomatic relations.'”

AFP and Australia's news.com.au reported, "New US trade war with Colombia could open door for China."

Professor Markus Wagner, an expert in international economic law, "said Mr Trump’s 'weaponisation of trade relations' through tariffs could push countries like Colombia away from America and closer to China."

China "is already South America’s top trading partner and a major source of foreign investment, while also strengthening military ties with nations like Venezuela," the report added.

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