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Major supermarket slashes price of Cadbury Easter Eggs to just £1 each


A MAJOR supermarket has slashed the price of Cadbury Easter Eggs to just £1 each.

With Easter just a few weeks away, Morrisons is offering the chance for customers to save on the festive chocolate.

Shoppers can get Cadbury Easter Egg for just £1[/caption]

The supermarket said Morrisons More customers can pick up five 96g Cadbury Easter eggs for £5.

That works out at £1 per egg.

It’s worth noting that you cannot buy the eggs individually for a quid; you need to pick up five for £5 to make it work.

Morrisons More is the supermarket’s loyalty scheme, which offers points, discounts, and other benefits.

For example, shoppers earn points which can be turned into money off vouchers in store.

Customers who do not have a Morrisons More card will not be able to take advantage of this offer and will have to pay £1.75 for each individual egg.

That would work out at £6.75 if you choose to buy five of them.

This offer appears to be only available in Morrisons stores, and not yet available to shop online.

You can find your nearest Morrisons by visiting my.morrisons.com/storefinder/.

Sainsbury’s and Tesco are also charging £1.75 for a 96g Cadbury Easter Egg.

'OMG' say shoppers as they spot major Easter staple weeks ahead of the big day
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    But Asda is asking customers for £1.48 for the exact same egg.

    Last week, Morrisons slashed the price of its XL Easter eggs for its More Card members.

    At the time, shoppers could snap up two eggs for £7, working out at £3.50 per egg.

    Usually a single egg costs £6 so shoppers could save a massive 41%.


    Morrisons is not the only supermarket offering customer the chance to save on Easter Eggs.

    Supermarket Asda said customers can pick up two 220g eggs for £8.98.

    With the average egg this size in store costing £4.98 it gives customers the chance to save just under £1.

    Elsewhere, Sainsbury’s Nectar Card customers can pick up a large 190g Malteaser egg for £2.50 instead of £4.

    How to save money on chocolate

    We all love a bit of chocolate from now and then, but you don't have to break the bank buying your favourite bar.

    Consumer reporter Sam Walker reveals how to cut costs…

    Go own brand – if you’re not too fussed about flavour and just want to supplant your chocolate cravings, you’ll save by going for the supermarket’s own brand bars.

    Shop around – if you’ve spotted your favourite variety at the supermarket, make sure you check if it’s cheaper elsewhere.

    Websites like Trolley.co.uk let you compare prices on products across all the major chains to see if you’re getting the best deal.

    Look out for yellow stickers – supermarket staff put yellow, and sometimes orange and red, stickers on to products to show they’ve been reduced.

    They usually do this if the product is coming to the end of its best-before date or the packaging is slightly damaged.

    Buy bigger bars – most of the time, but not always, chocolate is cheaper per 100g the larger the bar.

    So if you’ve got the appetite, and you were going to buy a hefty amount of chocolate anyway, you might as well go bigger.

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