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Mariners 2025 Spring Training Game #20 (3/13/25): Open Game Thread

You’ve got to hand it to him. | Photo by Steph Chambers/Getty Images

Spring sprung a leak, but the season marches forward. Actually the basement flooded, folks.


Today’s game has been postponed indefinitely due to inclement weather. The day isn’t entirely lost though, as there is also some positive news out of Peoria. It is being reported that George Kirby has received a biologic shot, and will be able to resume baseball activities in a couple of days.

-6:22 PM PT

Facing the Arizona Diamondbacks for the last time in spring training, the Seattle Mariners are starting Emerson Hancock, opposite Cristian Mena. The reported results so far are as well as could be hoped in regard to the waylaid Kirby, but an ideal scenario is still that Hancock can show through the rest of spring to be in steady season form, because he will at least be needed at the start of it. Also, it will be worth seeing how he polishes his use of his new weapons in his coming outings.


At the top of the lineup are roster locks Luke Raley, Julio Rodríguez, and Randy Arozarena, in that order. Raley will be getting an outfield start today, in right field, Rodríguez in his usual center, and Arozarena getting to put in some DH work.

The bottom two-thirds of the Mariners lineup are made up of mostly question marks in terms of starting the season on the 26 man roster. Rowdy Tellez will likely want to keep slugging his way into the conversation with his start at first base, and Donovan Solano lands at third base for the start. Twenty-seven year old Leo Rivas gets the start at short, and Cole Young at second base to round out the infield. Mastrobuoni is another hopeful, and starting in left field today. The suddenly-maybe-more-important-pending-Garver-updates Blake Hunt will be getting the start at catcher today.

After Hancock hurls his last pitch, scheduled probable pitchers are RHP Collin Snider, LHP Gabe Speier, and RHP Jesse Hahn.


The Diamondbacks starting lineup is filled mostly toe to tip with MLB regulars, with the exceptions of Grae Kessinger and first round draftee Jordan Lawlar, and they will be making the starts for the Snakes at second base and third base, respectively.

When Mena turns over the ball to the Diamondback’s bullpen, the likely pitchers to pick it up are Bryce Jarvis, Drey Jameson, Jeff Brigham, and Scott McGough, all RHP. Bryce, Drey, Jeff, and Scott? If you read through the list too fast you might get the impression the Sneks are copying Seattle’s homework, those are mostly very familiar names in these parts.


Game Info:

Game time: 6:40 PM PT

Video: ROOT Sports Northwest with Aaron Goldsmith and Ryan Rowland-Smith helming the broadcast

Audio: Seattle Sports (710 AM) and Mariners.com with Rick Rizzs and Gary Hill Jr. on the call

Additional Info:

This factoid brought to you by the Mariners PR team, featured in today’s game information blog post on From the Corner of Edgar & Dave.

Mariners PR/From the Corner of Edgar & Dave
This is a shout out of a shout out! Shoutception?

Pre/post-game reading:

In case you missed today’s 40 in 40 2025 entries, be sure to check out our pieces on Jorge Polanco and Donovan Solano.

Pre or post game, whenever, make sure to set aside some time to read about the rise of Felnin Celesten’s journey, as chronicled in a new piece published today penned by Kate Preusser.

And with so much of the Mariners story lately being looking to the future at multiple key positions, make sure to stay up to date on all of our prospect coverage, including our 2025 rankings. Our countdown in that series has brought us to today's number six, catcher Harry Ford.

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