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QAnon crowd thinks fabled ‘storm’ is here after Trump claims Biden’s pardons ‘void’


Followers of the QAnon conspiracy theory are celebrating after President Donald Trump claimed that former President Joe Biden’s pardons are “VOID, VACANT, AND OF NO FURTHER FORCE OR EFFECT.”

Made in a late night post on Truth Social, Trump's declaration followed an apparent analysis from the Oversight Project, a branch of the Project 2025 think tank Heritage Foundation, that alleged Biden's use of an automated signature device on documents relating to the Jan. 6 committee rendered them illegitimate.

“Those on the Unselect Committee, who destroyed and deleted ALL evidence obtained during their two-year Witch Hunt of me, and many other innocent people, should fully understand that they are subject to investigation at the highest level,” Trump wrote.


One of Biden’s final acts as president was to pardon people preemptively who Trump identified as enemies of his administration, including members of the House committee that investigated Trump’s influence on the Capitol riot. 

In an attempt to undermine the validity of the pardons, Trump—backed by the Oversight Project’s analysis—argued that the autopen, rather than Biden, was the real authority behind the decisions.

Shortly after making his claims, Trump posted a meme to Truth Social which showed Biden’s presidential portrait replaced with an image of an autopen machine. 

The right-wing celebrated Trump’s attempts to dismiss the J6 committee’s pardons. Followers of QAnon have even claimed that the long-awaited “storm” is here, hoping that the president will carry out a mass-arrest and execution campaign against his enemies.

In a post on X, one user suggested that the Department of Justice (DOJ) was now finally clear to begin rounding up Democrat politicians.

"Update: DemonRATS Panic!!" the user wrote. "President Trump declares Biden’s autopen pardons are now ‘void, vacant and of no further force or effect!’ DOJ prepares to make mass arrests of corrupt politicians across America!!!"


In a Truth Social post announcing the coming of the storm, one user suggested that the autopen, which has been used by presidents for decades, was somehow evidence of former President Barack Obama's rule during Biden's tenure.

“Joe Biden…never signed a single executive order. Everything was done by an autopen—a machine! A mechanical fraud used to push through illegal mandates, stripping Americans of their rights while the real power lurked in the shadows… It was a carefully staged cover for Obama’s third term.”

Other accounts tracking the so-called storm pointed out long-held speculation about Biden’s signatures. One account, @stormypatriotjoe, claims to have tracked the supposed fake signatures throughout all four years of Biden’s administration. 

Another bemoaned the use of the autopen as a betrayal of the Founding Fathers: “This is not how our founding Fathers wanted it. The use of Autopen, for anything while serving office, should be illegal.”

Despite the uproar, the use of an autopen does not void any of Biden's signatures or pardons.

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