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Illinois mother files civil rights complaint, says daughter nearly forced to change in front of trans student


An Illinois mother has filed a civil rights complaint with the Justice Department after claiming that school administrators attempted to force her 13-year-old daughter to change in front of a transgender student in the girls locker room last month.

Nicole Georgas revealed the complaint during a Board of Education meeting for Deerfield Public Schools District 109 last week, claiming that the incident took place last month after her daughter refused to change into her uniform during physical education because a biological male student was present at the time.

"The girls want their locker rooms and bathrooms back. They want their privacy back. This is why I’m here tonight. My 13-year-old daughter’s well-being, mental health, and privacy are at stake," Georgas said during her speech at the board meeting on Thursday.


According to Georgas, her daughter was "frightened" and "extremely upset" when on Feb. 5 she was using the girls bathroom and noticed that a transgender student was also using the facilities at the same time.

"She was told by the administration that a student can use the bathroom as well as a female locker room because they now identify as female," Georgas said of the explanation administrators allegedly provided to her daughter. 

Georgas then raised the issue to the school’s administration, noting to them that she believed it was a direct violation of President Donald Trump’s "Keeping Men out of Women's Sports" executive order. She said in her speech that the administration informed her that, under the direction of their legal counsel, the student was free to use both the girls bathroom and the girls locker room.

Fox News Digital reached out to the school district for comment. 


"That day, I filed a civil rights complaint, on behalf of my daughter, with the Department of Justice. It has now been referred to the Department of Education. A federal complaint has been filed with the district to protect the students."

Georgas said the situation worsened when, days later, her daughter and other classmates refused to change into her uniform during physical education because the transgender student was present. 

She claimed that the following day, school administrators pulled the girls aside and later made them change into uniform. 

"That day, [Assistant Superintendent for Student Services] Joanna Ford, [Assistant Principal] Cathy Van Treese, and multiple teachers all came into the girls locker room, making them change into uniform. This went on all week," she said, adding that her daughter still "refused to take part." 

As part of Georgas’ speech, she "demanded" the district move forward with designating facilities for biological males and biological females. 

Georgas appeared on "America Reports" last week when she expressed her biggest concern regarding the situation. 

"This sets such a dangerous precedent for girls everywhere by allowing men into safe places. My biggest concern is that an adult, biological male — that hasn’t transitioned — can freely access women’s bathrooms [and] locker rooms, putting their safety and privacy at risk. This is common sense." 

Fox News Digital contacted the Justice Department and the Education Department for comment on the complaint.

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