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Rory McIlroy stars alongside Adam Sandler in Netflix trailer for sequel to 90s cult classic as release date revealed

Rory McIlroy stars alongside Adam Sandler in Netflix trailer for Happy Gilmore 2
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THE DATE of Rory McIlroy’s Hollywood debut has been confirmed after the trailer for ‘Happy Gilmore 2’ was released.

The 35-year-old will star alongside a host of other professional golfers in the sequel to the 1996 cult classic starring Adam Sandler.

Rory McIlroy will lead a strong golfing cast in Happy Gilmore 2
The film will release on Netflix on July 25
Christopher McDonald and Adam Sandler both return
As do Ben Stiller and Julie Bowen

The flick – directed by Kyle Newacheck – will also include the likes of Justin Thomas, Scottie Scheffler, Bryson DeChambeau and Paige Spiranac.

Meanwhile, Kansas City Chiefs star and Taylor Swift’s boyfriend Travis Kelce, as well as AEW wrestler Maxwell Jacob Friedman, and Puerto Rican rapper Bad Bunny will appear.

Christopher McDonald, Ben Stiller, and Julie Bowen reprise their roles from the original film, while Adam Sandler’s daughters Sadie and Sunny are included in the cast list.

The plot is not known at this time, but the film will be available to stream on Netflix on July 25

McIlroy is no stranger to drama related to the golf course, having been a vocal critic of the LIV Golf Tour since its inception.

That has taken another twist in the form of fellow Irishman Tom McKibbin joining the Saudi-backed breakaway.

The 22-year-old has penned a multi-million dollar deal with the tour to join Jon Rahm’s Legion XIII team.

The Antrim had been linked with the move since early January and spoke of the reason behind it on the eve of LIV’s opening event at the Riyadh Golf Club.

And he reasoned: “Obviously being young and 22, I’ve watched this for the last couple years since it started, and it’s something that I’ve really liked to watch, something very different, something that probably appeals to more people my age.

“I think the opportunity to get to play with these guys here and learn from some of the best players in the world week in, week out is something that appealed very, very nicely to me.

Rory McIlroy to star in Happy Gilmore 2 alongside Travis Kelce and Scottie Scheffler
new career?
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“I liked the whole concept of everything, as I said, something from a younger age standpoint is something that – I sort of liked the atmosphere of it.

“It was something cool and something new to me and something I’m very much looking forward to.”

His move came despite being warned against it by Rory McIlroy.

A frequent critic of LIV since its inception, the Holywood man warned that McKibbin would be “sacrificing” his Ryder Cup future.

He argued: “I think he’s got a ton of potential. I said to him, if I were in your shoes, I would make a different choice than the one you’re thinking of making.

“I think working so hard to get your [PGA] Tour card in the States, something that he did, to achieve that goal last year was a big achievement.

“What he potentially is sacrificing and giving up with access to majors, potential Ryder Cup spot, depending on how he would play.

“If I were in his position and I had his potential, which I think I have been before, I wouldn’t make that decision.”

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