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Fans convinced they know what Virgil van Dijk said to Newcastle hero Alexander Isak after Carabao Cup final

Fans convinced they know what Virgil van Dijk said to Newcastle hero Alexander Isak after Carabao Cup final
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LIVERPOOL fans believe they know what Virgil van Dijk said to Alexander Isak after the final whistle of the Carabao Cup final.

When the whistle blew, Van Dijk was spotted congratulating several Newcastle players on the Wembley pitch following their 2-1 win.

Virgil van Dijk and Alexander Isak embrace after the Carabao Cup final
Fan are speculating van Dijk told Isak to join the Reds

However, cameras soon panned to the Dutch defender embracing goal hero Isak.

As the players came together, the Reds captain was seen whispering in the Sweden star’s ear.

Now, Liverpool fans are speculating on social media what they think Van Dijk said to Isak.

One wrote on X: “See you in pre season.”

A second shared: “See you in the summer.”

A third posted: “That was definitely Alex saying to Virg “see you next season.” Im so happy i could cry.”

While a fourth added: “Virg telling Isak he’s Liverpool’s number 9 next season.”

Isak was in inspired form for the Toon in their famous win over the Reds in the final.

Carabao Cup final ratings

NEWCASTLE ended their 70-year trophy drought in style by beating Premier League champions-elect Liverpool in the Carabao Cup final.

The 2-1 scoreline flattered the Reds in truth, with Eddie Howe’s Toon having produced a sensational performance to flatten runaway league leaders.

Local lad Dan Burn, fresh off his first England call-up, rose highest to head his boyhood club into the lead on the stroke of half-time.

Alexander Isak then deservedly doubled Newcastle’s lead shortly after the break.

The Toon could have further increased their advantage, only for forgotten man Federico Chiesa to hand Liverpool a late lifeline on 94 minutes.

But that goal was unable to spur a further comeback as Newcastle saw out the remaining added time.

Here’s how SunSport’s Lloyd Canfield rated the Liverpool players and Gary Stonehouse rated the Newcastle players.


His instinctive strike, Newcastle’s second goal of the game, proved to be the winner.

The 25-year-old has scored 23 goals in 33 games this season, which has seen him linked with a move away from the club.

Newcastle's Alexander Isak talks to Alan Shearer about Champions League desires
Isak Wants Champions League
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Arsenal are said to be interested in bidding for the Sweden international – who could cost over £100million.

While transfer expert Fabrizio Romano has claimed that Liverpool have made contact with people close to Isak, as they attempt to bring him to Anfield.

Ahead of the cup final, Isak was asked about his future.

He said: “This club can achieve great things.

“I think we should really look at it one season at a time and this season we can achieve winning a trophy which would be amazing for everyone.

“About my future, it’s nothing really I think about. I’ve said many times during a season – just focus on the job – and now is probably the worst time to think about anything else, so all of our focus is just on Sunday and doing good and hopefully bringing the trophy back to Newcastle.”

When he was quizzed about signing a new contract, Isak added: “I’ve said I’m not really thinking about the summer, but yes, that’ll probably be a talking point once the season is finished.

“We will really see because no talks have been held yet.”

Isak scored Newcastle’s winner in the Carabao Cup final win over Liverpool

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