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Japan becomes the first team to qualify for the 2026 World Cup after host nations


SAITAMA, Japan (AP) — Japan became the first team to qualify for the 2026 World Cup after beating Bahrain 2-0 at Saitama Stadium on Thursday.

Second-half goals from Daichi Kamada and Takefusa Kubo ensured the Samurai Blue secured a spot in Asia Group C’s top two automatic qualification places.

At its eighth straight World Cup, Japan joins co-hosts the United States, Canada and Mexico in the expanded 48-team tournament.

“Thanks to the players for their efforts and the fans for their support,” Japan coach Hajime Moriyasu said. “We knew that if we persevered that the goals would come. We will try and win our three remaining games and grow as a team.”

Earlier, second-place Australia took a big step toward a seventh appearance by defeating Indonesia 5-1 in Sydney in the visitors’ first game under new coach Patrick Kluivert.

Indonesia’s Kevin Diks missed a penalty in the eighth minute, and 10 minutes later Martin Boyle converted his spot kick to put the Socceroos ahead.

Nishan Velupillay and Jackson Irvine scored before the break and Lewis Miller made it 4-0 on the hour. Ole Romeny scored for Indonesia before Irvine grabbed his second and the hosts’ fifth.

The top two from each of the three six-team groups in the third round of Asian qualifying advance to the World Cup while the third- and fourth-place teams advance to another stage to compete for two more places.

South Korea stayed on top of Group B and on course for an 11th straigh World Cup appearance despite drawing with Oman 1-1 in Goyang, just north of Seoul.

Hwang Hee-chan put South Korea ahead just before the break and Oman earned a point through Ali Al-Busaidi’s 80th-minute goal.

“People may think this qualification round is easy but we have to work so hard for every match,” South Korea captain Son Heung-min said. “A match like this can teach us a lesson. We have to take whatever positive we can from this.”

South Korea has 15 points, three clear of both Jordan and Iraq. Iraq was held to a 2-2 draw by Kuwait, while Jordan beat the Palestinian national team 3-1.

In Group A, Iran now has 19 points after a 2-0 win over the United Arab Emirates in Tehran to stay three clear of Uzbekistan, which beat Kyrgyzstan 1-0. The UAE and Qatar, which beat North Korea 5-1, both have 10 points.


AP soccer: https://apnews.com/hub/soccer


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