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Oscar-nominated actor and soap legend among stars signed up for new series of Who Do You Think You Are?

Claire Foy cries as she reads about the death of an ancestor on Who Do You Think You Are
Who Do You Think You Are
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THE BAFTA-winning genealogy series Who Do You Think You Are? is set to return to the BBC this spring with a star-studded lineup.

The 22nd series will see a host of famous faces delve into their family histories and uncover astonishing revelations along the way.

Andrew Garfield will be looking into his genealogy this spring on Who Do You Think You Are[/caption]
Ross Kemp will also make some surprising discoveries about his genealogy[/caption]
Meanwhile Philomena Cunk will give investigating her own history a go[/caption]

Among those set to make an appearance is Oscar-nominated actor Andrew Garfield.

The Hollywood A-lister will take viewers on an emotional journey through his ancestry, including a poignant visit to pre-war Poland.

EastEnders legend Ross Kemp will also feature on the show.

Audience members at home will get to watch him travelling to Casablanca to solve a long-standing family mystery, which results in him discovering a genealogic link to the Napoleonic Wars.

Joining them is actress and comedian Diane Morgan, who best known for her satirical take on history as Philomena Cunk.

This time she’s learning about her own past – which outstrips many historical dramas, as it includes a moving love story and a legal battle over inheritance rights.

BAFTA-winning actress and comedian Aisling Bea will also be seen exploring her Irish roots.

TV star Will Young is set to embark on a personal journey, discovering his grandfather’s harrowing experience as a WWII prisoner of war.

On the positive side, he also ends up tracing royal connections in his lineage.

Meanwhile, First Dates’ Fred Sirieix travels to France, uncovering a wartime romance and a surprising link to winemaking.

Ross Kemp returns to EastEnders roots as he pulls pints for new gig - saying beer is 'the hardest thing to get right'
new gig
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West End star Layton Williams investigates his family’s past in London before heading to Jamaica, where he uncovers a difficult chapter in his ancestry.

Rounding out the cast is BBC journalist Mishal Husain, who traces an impressive family lineage, including an ancestor who served as a personal physician to a Maharaja and a surprising connection to the US East Coast.

BBC’s Head of History Simon Young teased that the upcoming series will feature “shocking royal connections and epic survival stories”.

Colette Flight, the Executive Producer for Wall to Wall Media, added: “This series spans centuries and continents, revealing gripping family stories that highlight remarkable moments in history.”

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