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Owner of late, legendary horse calls for ‘one last hurrah’ to benefit others in his memory


The owner of the late, legendary Hovis has asked if there could be “one last hurrah” in his memory, to raise more for horses in need.

The H&H equine columnist died aged 23 last month, having raised over £100,000 for charity. His owner Karen Thompson transcribed the part-Clydesdale’s “Friday diary” every week for 17 years, first on the H&H forum, then the website.

These diaries were printed into nine books, the proceeds of which went to Bransby Horses, Hovis’s local equine welfare and rescue charity, and many of which are still in stock.

“It’s funny what bothers you when you lose a massively important part of your life,” Karen said this week, a month after she had to let Hovis go. “Funny the stupid random thoughts that circulate your brain in the wee small hours of the morning.

“For mine this morning it was Hovis’ books, how there is a massive amount of stock sitting at Bransby Horses, unsold as yet and now really with no outlet for that to change.”

Buy the books online

Karen said that as Hovis will no longer be appearing in public, “charming new people into being fans, convincing people to buy his books by giving them that big Bambi eyed look that was such a brilliant sales tool”, the books may not be sold.

“A year from now they will be sat gathering dust in a warehouse and people won’t remember who he was,” she said. “Potentially thousands of pounds of good we could have done that will go unrecognised.

“So an ask perhaps. If you ever found us amusing, if we ever made you smile, if you hadn’t bought his books before or have friends you might gift them to then please would you think about getting one or more of them? One last hurrah from him, one more charitable gesture to help those in need?”

Karen said she is not asking anyone to donate, but to buy something she hopes they will enjoy.

“My baby boy’s legacy, if you will,” she said. “I’d appreciate it if you could. It would mean a lot.”

The books are available from the Bransby Horses website.

The titles, in order:

  • The Year of the Destroyer
  • Fifty Tastes of Hay
  • The Fast and the Feathery
  • The Best Thing since Sliced Bread
  • Going Hell for Feather
  • Parties, Piaffes and Pandemics
  • Laughter, Lameness and Lockdowns
  • What’s the Story, Medal Glory

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