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'Any loss of life is one too many': Portland police chief reflects on March violence


PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) — A total of seven Portlanders died by homicide across the city during the month of March. 

Portland Police Chief Bob Day is reflecting on a violent month in his city. He said during a news conference Friday that while there isn't much of a trend in these instances, the numbers are still "saddening." 

The map below shows the homicides KOIN 6 News has been tracking this month in the Rose City. 

Homicides that have occurred in the month of March in Portland in 2025 (KOIN).

The first two shootings happened on March 3 — one on Northeast Martin Luther King Junior Boulevard and one on North Williams Avenue. The third shooting the next day, also on Northeast Martin Luther King Junior Boulevard, took the life of 31-year-old Shaud'e Leigh Hutchinson.

A shooting on March 9th on Burnside took the life of a father of three.

Another deadly shooting happened on Southeast Harrison Street on Saint Patrick's Day. Seventeen-year-old Junior Garza was killed in a shooting the next day on Southeast 136th Avenue and Southeast Powell Boulevard.

Then Friday morning, police found a man dead after being stabbed at a hotel on Airport Way.

PPB Chief Bob Day said during a news conference Friday he worries about violence in the city as we approach spring break and warmer weather.

"I will be directing all of our resources in that regard to continue that have a heavy emphasis on outreach, community partnership and enforcement," said Chief Day. 

Chief Day also said it's no secret the bureau faces several challenges, including the ongoing staffing constraints and building relationships with marginalized communities. He also touched on the constant potential for less money pumping into the bureau. 

"I certainly feel responsible to make sure people are aware of that, that any reduction in funding is going to be a reduction of services, which could potentially lead to an increase in crime. And we need to recognize that we need to be proud of the work we've done to stay committed to that. And there may come a period of time in the future where we can make those adjustments," Chief Day said. 

Chief Day told KOIN 6 they've made two arrests out of the now seven homicides this month. But he said they're still looking for anyone with any information about these cases.

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