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Neighbors concerned about smoke from Austin crematorium, business says it fixed violations


AUSTIN (KXAN) -- Some people living in north Austin said they have concerns about the environmental impact of a cremation business nearby.

Neighbors living next to Weed Corley Fish Funeral Homes and Cremation Services said they've seen multiple instances of black smoke coming from there.

Stephanie Edmison lives right behind the business. Edmison told KXAN that she started seeing the smoke at the start of 2023.

Stephanie Edmison said she took this video of black smoke coming from the crematory business back in July 2024. (Photo: Stephanie Edmison)

"I'm worried about my health, and everybody else's around here. It's gone from just a peaceful, nice place where I could run and do my exercises and to all of a sudden wondering what that smell is, and looking up and seeing the black smoke."

Stephanie Edmison, Neighbor

Edmison said she and other neighbors have health and environmental concerns.

"Even when there's no black smoke, you can still smell it," Edmison said. "Which is not pleasant."

Edmison said she now limits how much time she spends outside because of this.

"I used to love to go to walks at night, running in this area, because I feel safe," Edmison said. "I don't feel safe from a health standpoint anymore. It's changed the quality of my life."

Sofia Guerrero lives right across from Edmison and has a direct view of the cremation business as well. She said it's improved a bit since last summer, but she's still seen smoke and sparks this year as well.

"I just really felt like it was a fire hazard," Guerrero said. "I need to be able to go to the pool, go for a walk, you know, have my windows open, and there should be zero black smoke, zero sparks."

Both Edmison and Guerrero worry about the impact this has on their property value as well.

"To have something that could be lessening your property value is a pretty big deal," Guerrero said.

TCEQ violations

The situation caused neighbors to file a complaint with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.

"I filed a complaint and they took my video evidence of the smoke stacks that I had provided," Guerrero said.

The TCEQ said it conducted an investigation last year regarding those concerns of black smoke. The following four violations were documented in a Notice of Violation issued in August 2024:

  • Creating an offsite nuisance condition
  • Failure to maintain all emissions control equipment in good condition and operate properly during operation of the facility
  • Opacity from the incinerator stack exceeded a 5.0% average over a six-minute period
  • Failure to properly register all units that emit contaminants into the atmosphere

According to the TCEQ, complete compliance documentation was not submitted by the due date in September 2024, and a Notice of Enforcement was issued on November 6, 2024. The TCEQ told KXAN the enforcement case was in development and it cannot comment on pending enforcement cases.

The business' response

The president of the funeral home told KXAN they took the concerns from the initial TCEQ complaints seriously and made necessary adjustments to their equipment.

We understand the community’s concerns following the recent incidents involving our crematory unit’s exhaust flue. The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality promptly inspected the situation, and we resolved the issue in October of 2024. A follow-up inspection on March 14 confirmed that everything is operating safely and in full compliance with all regulations. We are continuously monitoring our operations to ensure the highest standards of safety and service. We remain deeply committed to the safety, dignity, and trust of our community."

Parkcrest Crematory

Regarding sparks seen in a video taken this month, the president said that is not necessarily common but can occur. He claimed the TCEQ viewed the video and their own tape and there was no concern.

KXAN asked the TCEQ for an update after their visit, but we were told investigation reports are typically completed within 60 days of the last on-site visit.

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